Source code for

import typing

from stk._internal.atom import Atom

[docs] class Bond: """ Represents an atomic bond. Examples: *Changing the Atoms of a Bond* You want to substitute the atoms in the bond for other atoms. You can do this by using :meth:`.with_atoms` to create a clone of the bond, which holds the replacement atoms .. testcode:: changing-the-atoms-of-a-bond import stk bond = stk.Bond(stk.C(0), stk.C(12), 2) # Replace C(0) with H(13) but keep C(12). clone = bond.with_atoms({0: stk.H(13)}) .. testcode:: changing-the-atoms-of-a-bond :hide: assert clone.get_atom1().get_id() == 13 assert isinstance(clone.get_atom1(), stk.H) assert clone.get_atom2().get_id() == 12 assert isinstance(clone.get_atom2(), stk.C) """ def __init__( self, atom1: Atom, atom2: Atom, order: int, periodicity: tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), ) -> None: """ Parameters: atom1: The first atom in the bond. atom2: The second atom in the bond. order: The bond order. periodicity: The directions across which the bond is periodic. For example, ``(1, 0, -1)`` means that when going from `atom1` to `atom2` the bond is periodic across the x axis in the positive direction, is not periodic across the y axis and is periodic across the z axis in the negative direction. """ self._atom1 = atom1 self._atom2 = atom2 self._order = order self._periodicity = periodicity
[docs] def get_atom1(self) -> Atom: """ Get the first atom of the bond. Returns: The first atom of the bond. """ return self._atom1
[docs] def get_atom2(self) -> Atom: """ Get the second atom of the bond. Returns: The second atom of the bond. """ return self._atom2
[docs] def get_order(self) -> int: """ Get the bond order of the bond. Returns: The bond order. """ return self._order
[docs] def get_periodicity(self) -> tuple[int, int, int]: """ Get the periodicity of the bond. Returns: The directions across which the bond is periodic. For example, ``(1, 0, -1)`` means that when going from `atom1` to `atom2` the bond is periodic across the x axis in the positive direction, is not periodic across the y axis and is periodic across the z axis in the negative direction. """ return self._periodicity
[docs] def clone(self) -> typing.Self: """ Return a clone. Returns: Bond: The clone. """ clone = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) Bond.__init__( self=clone, atom1=self._atom1, atom2=self._atom2, order=self._order, periodicity=self._periodicity, ) return clone
def _with_atoms(self, atom_map: dict[int, Atom]) -> typing.Self: """ Modify the bond. """ self._atom1 = atom_map.get(self._atom1.get_id(), self._atom1) self._atom2 = atom_map.get(self._atom2.get_id(), self._atom2) return self
[docs] def with_atoms(self, atom_map: dict[int, Atom]) -> typing.Self: """ Return a clone holding different atoms. Parameters: atom_map: Maps the id of an atom in the bond to the new atom the clone should hold. If the id of an atom in the bond is not found in `atom_map`, the atom will not be replaced in the clone. Returns: Bond: The clone. """ return self.clone()._with_atoms(atom_map)
[docs] def with_ids(self, id_map: dict[int, int]) -> typing.Self: """ Return a clone holding different atom ids. Parameters: id_map: Maps the id of an atom in the bond to the new id the clone should hold. If the id of an atom in the bond is not found in `id_map`, the atom id will not be replaced in the clone. Returns: Bond: The clone. """ return self.clone()._with_ids(id_map)
def _with_ids(self, id_map: dict[int, int]) -> typing.Self: id1 = self._atom1.get_id() if id1 in id_map: self._atom1 = self._atom1.with_id(id_map[id1]) id2 = self._atom2.get_id() if id2 in id_map: self._atom2 = self._atom2.with_id(id_map[id2]) return self
[docs] def is_periodic(self) -> bool: """ Return ``True`` if the bond is periodic. Returns: ``True`` if the bond is periodic. """ return any(direction != 0 for direction in self._periodicity)
def __repr__(self) -> str: periodicity = ( f", periodicity={self._periodicity}" if self.is_periodic() else "" ) cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ return ( f"{cls_name}({self._atom1!r}, {self._atom2!r}, " f"{self._order}{periodicity})" ) def __str__(self) -> str: return repr(self)