Source code for stk._internal.constructed_molecule

import logging
import pathlib
import typing
from import Iterable, Iterator

import numpy as np
import rdkit.Chem.AllChem as rdkit

from stk._internal.atom import Atom
from stk._internal.atom_info import AtomInfo
from import Bond
from stk._internal.bond_info import BondInfo
from stk._internal.construction_result.construction_result import (
from stk._internal.molecule import Molecule
from stk._internal.topology_graphs.topology_graph.topology_graph import (
from stk._internal.utilities.molecule import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

T = typing.TypeVar("T", bound="ConstructedMolecule")

NumBuildingBlocks: typing.TypeAlias = dict[Molecule, int]

[docs] class ConstructedMolecule(Molecule): """ Represents constructed molecules. Examples: *Initialization* A :class:`.ConstructedMolecule` is initialized from a :class:`.TopologyGraph`, which is typically initialized from some :class:`.BuildingBlock` instances. .. testcode:: initialization import stk bb1 = stk.BuildingBlock( smiles='NCCCN', functional_groups=[stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()], ) bb2 = stk.BuildingBlock( smiles='O=CC(C=O)CC=O', functional_groups=[stk.AldehydeFactory()], ) tetrahedron = stk.cage.FourPlusSix((bb1, bb2)) cage = stk.ConstructedMolecule(tetrahedron) *Hierarchical Construction* A :class:`ConstructedMolecule` may be used to construct other :class:`ConstructedMolecule` instances, though you will probably have to convert it to a :class:`.BuildingBlock` first .. testcode:: hierarchical-construction import stk bb1 = stk.BuildingBlock( smiles='NCCCN', functional_groups=[stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()], ) bb2 = stk.BuildingBlock( smiles='O=CC(C=O)CC=O', functional_groups=[stk.AldehydeFactory()], ) tetrahedron = stk.cage.FourPlusSix((bb1, bb2)) cage = stk.ConstructedMolecule(tetrahedron) benzene = stk.host_guest.Guest( building_block=stk.BuildingBlock('c1ccccc1'), ) cage_complex = stk.host_guest.Complex( host=stk.BuildingBlock.init_from_molecule(cage), guests=benzene, ) cage_complex = stk.ConstructedMolecule(cage_complex) Obviously, the initialization of the :class:`.ConstructedMolecule` depends mostly on the specifics of the :class:`.TopologyGraph` used, and the documentation of those classes should be examined for more examples. See Also: * :class:`.Atom`: Represents atoms of a constructed molecule. * :class:`.Bond`: Represents bonds of a constructed molecule. * :class:`.AtomInfo`: Holds additional information about atoms of a constructed molecule. * :class:`.BondInfo`: Holds additional information about bonds of a constructed molecule. """ _atom_infos: tuple[AtomInfo, ...] _bond_infos: tuple[BondInfo, ...] _num_building_blocks: dict[Molecule, int] def __init__(self, topology_graph: TopologyGraph) -> None: """ Parameters: topology_graph: The topology graph of the constructed molecule. """ self._init_from_construction_result( obj=self, construction_result=topology_graph.construct(), )
[docs] @classmethod def init( cls, atoms: Iterable[Atom], bonds: Iterable[Bond], position_matrix: np.ndarray, atom_infos: Iterable[AtomInfo], bond_infos: Iterable[BondInfo], num_building_blocks: "NumBuildingBlocks", ) -> typing.Self: """ Initialize a :class:`.ConstructedMolecule` from its components. Parameters: atoms (list[Atom]): The atoms of the molecule. bonds (list[Bond]): The bonds of the molecule. position_matrix: A ``(n, 3)`` position matrix of the molecule. atom_infos (list[AtomInfo]): The atom infos of the molecule. bond_infos (list[BondInfo]): The bond infos of the molecule. num_building_blocks: Maps each building block of the constructed molecule to the number of times it is present in it. Returns: ConstructedMolecule: The constructed molecule. """ molecule = cls.__new__(cls) Molecule.__init__(molecule, atoms, bonds, position_matrix) molecule._atom_infos = tuple(atom_infos) molecule._bond_infos = tuple(bond_infos) molecule._num_building_blocks = dict(num_building_blocks) return molecule
[docs] @classmethod def init_from_construction_result( cls, construction_result: ConstructionResult, ) -> typing.Self: """ Initialize a :class:`.ConstructedMolecule`. Parameters: construction_result: The result of a construction, from which the :class:`.ConstructedMolecule` should be initialized. Returns: ConstructedMolecule: The constructed molecule. """ return cls._init_from_construction_result( obj=cls.__new__(cls), construction_result=construction_result, )
@staticmethod def _init_from_construction_result( obj: T, construction_result: ConstructionResult, ) -> T: """ Initialize a :class:`.ConstructedMolecule`. This modifies `obj`. Parameters: obj: The constructed molecule to initialize. construction_result: The result of a construction, from which the :class:`.ConstructedMolecule` should be initialized. Returns: The `obj` instance. """ super(ConstructedMolecule, obj).__init__( atoms=construction_result.get_atoms(), bonds=construction_result.get_bonds(), position_matrix=construction_result.get_position_matrix(), ) obj._atom_infos = construction_result.get_atom_infos() obj._bond_infos = construction_result.get_bond_infos() obj._num_building_blocks = { building_block: construction_result.get_num_building_block( building_block=building_block, ) for building_block in construction_result.get_building_blocks() } return obj
[docs] def clone(self) -> typing.Self: """ Return a clone. Returns: ConstructedMolecule: The clone. """ clone = super().clone() clone._atom_infos = self._atom_infos clone._bond_infos = self._bond_infos clone._num_building_blocks = dict(self._num_building_blocks) return clone
[docs] def get_building_blocks(self) -> Iterator[Molecule]: """ Yield the building blocks of the constructed molecule. Building blocks are yielded in an order based on their position in the constructed molecule. For two topologically equivalent constructed molecules, but with different building blocks, equivalently positioned building blocks will be yielded at the same time. Yields: A building block of the constructed molecule. """ yield from self._num_building_blocks
[docs] def get_num_building_block( self, building_block: Molecule, ) -> int: """ Get the number of times `building_block` is present. Parameters: building_block: The building block whose frequency in the constructed molecule is desired. Returns: The number of times `building_block` was used in the construction of the constructed molecule. """ return self._num_building_blocks[building_block]
[docs] def get_atom_infos( self, atom_ids: int | Iterable[int] | None = None, ) -> Iterator[AtomInfo]: """ Yield data about atoms in the molecule. Parameters: atom_ids (int | list[int] | None): The ids of atoms whose data is desired. If ``None``, data on all atoms will be yielded. Can be a single :class:`int`, if data on a single atom is desired. Yields: Data about an atom. """ if atom_ids is None: atom_ids = range(len(self._atoms)) elif isinstance(atom_ids, int): atom_ids = (atom_ids,) for atom_id in atom_ids: yield self._atom_infos[atom_id]
[docs] def get_bond_infos(self) -> Iterator[BondInfo]: """ Yield data about bonds in the molecule. Yields: Data about a bond. """ yield from self._bond_infos
[docs] def with_canonical_atom_ordering(self) -> typing.Self: """ Return a clone, with canonically ordered atoms. Returns: ConstructedMolecule: The clone. """ return self.clone()._with_canonical_atom_ordering()
def _with_canonical_atom_ordering(self) -> typing.Self: # Make all building blocks canonically ordered too. building_blocks = { building_block: building_block.with_canonical_atom_ordering() for building_block in self._num_building_blocks } # Cache these mappings for later, to avoid unnecessary # re-computations of canonical ordering. canonical_map = { building_block: building_block.get_canonical_atom_ids() for building_block in self._num_building_blocks } self._num_building_blocks = dict( zip( building_blocks.values(), self._num_building_blocks.values(), ), ) ordering = rdkit.CanonicalRankAtoms(self.to_rdkit_mol()) id_map = { new_id: atom.get_id() for new_id, atom in zip(ordering, self._atoms) } super()._with_canonical_atom_ordering() atom_map = { old_id: self._atoms[new_id] for old_id, new_id in enumerate(ordering) } old_atom_infos = self._atom_infos def get_atom_info(atom: Atom) -> AtomInfo: old_atom_info = old_atom_infos[id_map[atom.get_id()]] old_building_block = old_atom_info.get_building_block() if old_building_block is None: return AtomInfo( atom=atom, building_block_atom=None, building_block=None, building_block_id=None, ) # If old_building_block is not None then neither is the # old_building_block_atom. old_building_block_atom = typing.cast( Atom, old_atom_info.get_building_block_atom(), ) canonical_building_block_atom_id = canonical_map[ old_building_block ][old_building_block_atom.get_id()] canonical_building_block = building_blocks[old_building_block] (canonical_building_block_atom,) = ( canonical_building_block.get_atoms( atom_ids=canonical_building_block_atom_id, ) ) return AtomInfo( atom=atom, building_block_atom=canonical_building_block_atom, building_block=canonical_building_block, building_block_id=(old_atom_info.get_building_block_id()), ) def get_bond_info(info: BondInfo) -> BondInfo: building_block = info.get_building_block() return BondInfo( bond=sort_bond_atoms_by_id( info.get_bond().with_atoms(atom_map) ), building_block=( building_block if building_block is None else building_blocks[building_block] ), building_block_id=info.get_building_block_id(), ) self._atom_infos = tuple(map(get_atom_info, self._atoms)) self._bond_infos = tuple( sorted( map(get_bond_info, self._bond_infos), key=get_bond_info_atom_ids, ) ) return self
[docs] def with_centroid( self, position: np.ndarray, atom_ids: int | Iterable[int] | None = None, ) -> typing.Self: """ Return a clone with its centroid at `position`. Parameters: position: This array holds the position on which the centroid of the clone is going to be placed. atom_ids (int | list[int] | None): The ids of atoms which should have their centroid set to `position`. If ``None``, all atoms are used. Returns: ConstructedMolecule: A clone with its centroid at `position`. """ return super().with_centroid(position, atom_ids)
[docs] def with_displacement( self, displacement: np.ndarray, ) -> typing.Self: """ Return a displaced clone. Parameters: displacement: The displacement vector to be applied. Returns: ConstructedMolecule: A displaced clone. """ return super().with_displacement(displacement)
[docs] def with_position_matrix( self, position_matrix: np.ndarray, ) -> typing.Self: """ Return a clone with atomic positions set by `position_matrix`. Parameters: position_matrix: The position matrix of the clone. The shape of the matrix is ``(n, 3)``. Returns: ConstructedMolecule: The clone. """ return super().with_position_matrix(position_matrix)
[docs] def with_rotation_about_axis( self, angle: float, axis: np.ndarray, origin: np.ndarray, ) -> typing.Self: """ Return a rotated clone. The clone is rotated by `angle` about `axis` on the `origin`. Parameters: angle: The size of the rotation in radians. axis: The axis about which the rotation happens. Must have unit magnitude. origin: The origin about which the rotation happens. Returns: ConstructedMolecule: A rotated clone. """ return super().with_rotation_about_axis(angle, axis, origin)
[docs] def with_rotation_between_vectors( self, start: np.ndarray, target: np.ndarray, origin: np.ndarray, ) -> typing.Self: """ Return a rotated clone. The rotation is equal to a rotation from `start` to `target`. Given two direction vectors, `start` and `target`, this method applies the rotation required transform `start` to `target` onto the clone. The rotation occurs about the `origin`. For example, if the `start` and `target` vectors are 45 degrees apart, a 45 degree rotation will be applied to the clone. The rotation will be along the appropriate direction. The great thing about this method is that you as long as you can associate a geometric feature of the molecule with a vector, then the clone can be rotated so that this vector is aligned with `target`. The defined vector can be virtually anything. This means that any geometric feature of the molecule can be easily aligned with any arbitrary direction. Parameters: start: A vector which is to be rotated so that it transforms into the `target` vector. target: The vector onto which `start` is rotated. origin: The point about which the rotation occurs. Returns: ConstructedMolecule: A rotated clone. """ return super().with_rotation_between_vectors(start, target, origin)
[docs] def with_rotation_to_minimize_angle( self, start: np.ndarray, target: np.ndarray, axis: np.ndarray, origin: np.ndarray, ) -> typing.Self: """ Return a rotated clone. The clone is rotated by the rotation required to minimize the angle between `start` and `target`. Note that this function will not necessarily overlay the `start` and `target` vectors. This is because the possible rotation is restricted to the `axis`. Parameters: start: The vector which is rotated. target: The vector which is stationary. axis: The vector about which the rotation happens. Must have unit magnitude. origin: The origin about which the rotation happens. Returns: ConstructedMolecule: A rotated clone. Raises: :class:`ValueError` If `target` has a magnitude of 0. In this case it is not possible to calculate an angle between `start` and `target`. """ return super().with_rotation_to_minimize_angle( start=start, target=target, axis=axis, origin=origin, )
[docs] def with_structure_from_file( self, path: pathlib.Path | str, extension: str | None = None, ) -> typing.Self: """ Return a clone, with its structure taken from a file. Multiple file types are supported, namely: #. ``.mol``, ``.sdf`` - MDL V2000 and V3000 files #. ``.xyz`` - XYZ files #. ``.mae`` - Schrodinger Maestro files #. ``.coord`` - Turbomole files #. ``.pdb`` - PDB files Parameters: path: The path to a molecular structure file holding updated coordinates for the :class:`.Molecule`. extension: If you want to treat the file as though it has a particular extension, put it here. Include the dot. Returns: ConstructedMolecule: A clone with atomic positions found in `path`. """ return super().with_structure_from_file(str(path), extension)
[docs] def write( self, path: pathlib.Path | str, atom_ids: int | Iterable[int] | None = None, ) -> typing.Self: """ Write the structure to a file. This function will write the format based on the extension of `path`. #. ``.mol``, ``.sdf`` - MDL V3000 MOL file #. ``.xyz`` - XYZ file #. ``.pdb`` - PDB file Parameters: path: The `path` to which the molecule should be written. atom_ids (int | list[int] | None): The atom ids of atoms to write. If ``None``, all atoms are used. If you use this parameter, the atom ids in the file may not correspond to the atom ids in the molecule. Returns: ConstructedMolecule: The molecule. """ return super().write(path, atom_ids)