Source code for stk._internal.construction_state.molecule_state.molecule_state

Molecule State


import numpy as np

from .deletions_summary import _DeletionsSummary
from .placements_summary import _PlacementsSummary
from .reactions_summary import _ReactionsSummary

[docs] class MoleculeState: """ Represents the state of a molecule under construction. """ __slots__ = [ "_position_matrix", "_atoms", "_atom_infos", "_bonds", "_bond_infos", "_edge_functional_groups", "_num_placements", ] def __init__(self): """ Initialize a :class:`._MoleculeState` instance. """ self._position_matrix = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float64) self._atoms = [] self._atom_infos = [] self._bonds = [] self._bond_infos = [] self._edge_functional_groups = {} self._num_placements = 0
[docs] def clone(self): """ Return a clone. Returns ------- :class:`._MoleculeState` The clone. Has the same type as the original instance. """ clone = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) clone._position_matrix = np.array(self._position_matrix) clone._atoms = list(self._atoms) clone._atom_infos = list(self._atom_infos) clone._bonds = list(self._bonds) clone._bond_infos = list(self._bond_infos) clone._num_placements = self._num_placements edge_functional_groups = self._edge_functional_groups.items() clone._edge_functional_groups = { edge_id: list(functional_groups) for edge_id, functional_groups in edge_functional_groups } return clone
def _with_placement_results( self, vertices, edges, building_blocks, results, ): """ Modify the instance. """ summary = _PlacementsSummary( building_blocks=building_blocks, placement_results=results, num_atoms=len(self._atoms), num_previous_placements=self._num_placements, ) self._num_placements += len(vertices) self._atoms.extend(summary.get_atoms()) self._atom_infos.extend(summary.get_atom_infos()) self._bonds.extend(summary.get_bonds()) self._bond_infos.extend(summary.get_bond_infos()) self._position_matrix = np.concatenate( [ self._position_matrix, summary.get_position_matrix(), ] ) for ( edge_id, functional_groups, ) in summary.get_edge_functional_groups(): self._edge_functional_groups[edge_id] = ( self._edge_functional_groups.get(edge_id, []) ) self._edge_functional_groups[edge_id].extend(functional_groups) return self
[docs] def with_placement_results( self, vertices, edges, building_blocks, results, ): """ Return a clone holding the placement results. Parameters ---------- vertices : :class:`tuple` of :class:`.Vertex` The vertices used for placement. edges : :class:`tuple` For each vertex in `vertices`, a :class:`tuple` of :class:`.Edge` instances connected to it. building_blocks : :class:`tuple` of :class:`.BuildingBlock` For each vertex in `vertices`, the building block placed on it. results : :class:`tuple` of :class:`._PlacementResult` For every vertex in `vertices`, the result of the placement. Returns ------- :class:`._MoleculeState` The clone holding the placement results. Has the same type as the original instance. """ return self.clone()._with_placement_results( vertices=vertices, edges=edges, building_blocks=building_blocks, results=results, )
[docs] def get_position_matrix(self): """ Get the position matrix of the molecule. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` The position matrix. """ return np.array(self._position_matrix)
[docs] def get_atoms(self): """ Yield the atoms of the molecule. Yields ------ :class:`.Atom` An atom of the molecule. """ yield from self._atoms
[docs] def get_bonds(self): """ Yield the bonds of the molecule. Yields ------ :class:`.Bond` A bond of the molecule. """ yield from self._bonds
[docs] def get_atom_infos(self): """ Yield the atom infos of the molecule. Yields ------ :class:`.AtomInfo` An atom info of the molecule. """ yield from self._atom_infos
[docs] def get_bond_infos(self): """ Yield the bond infos of the molecule. Yields ------ :class:`.BondInfo` The bond info of the molecule. """ yield from self._bond_infos
[docs] def get_edge_group_functional_groups(self, edge_group): """ Yield the functional groups associated with `edge_group`. Parameters ---------- edge_group : :class:`.EdgeGroup` The edge group, whose functional groups are desired. Yields ------ :class:`.FunctionalGroup` A functional group which belongs to `edge_group`. """ for edge_id in edge_group.get_edge_ids(): yield from self._edge_functional_groups[edge_id]
[docs] def with_position_matrix(self, position_matrix): """ Return a clone holding the `position_matrix`. Parameters ---------- position_matrix : :class:`numpy.ndarray` The position matrix of the clone. The shape of the matrix is ``(n, 3)``. Returns ------- :class:`._MoleculeState` The clone holding the new position matrix. Has the same type as the original instance. """ return self.clone()._with_position_matrix(position_matrix)
def _with_position_matrix(self, position_matrix): """ Modify the instance. """ self._position_matrix = np.array(position_matrix) return self
[docs] def with_reaction_results(self, reactions, results): """ Return a clone holding the reaction results. Parameters ---------- reactions : :class:`tuple` of :class:`.Reaction` The reactions. results : :class:`.ReactionResult` For each reaction in `reactions`, its result. Returns ------- :class:`._MoleculeState` The clone holding the reaction results. Has the same type as the original instance. """ return self.clone()._with_reaction_results(reactions, results)
def _with_reaction_results(self, reactions, results): """ Modify the instance. """ reactions_summary = _ReactionsSummary( num_atoms=len(self._atoms), reaction_results=results, ) self._with_reactions_summary(reactions_summary) self._with_deletions_summary( _DeletionsSummary( atoms=self._atoms, atom_infos=self._atom_infos, bonds=self._bonds, bond_infos=self._bond_infos, position_matrix=self._position_matrix, deleted_atom_ids=reactions_summary.get_deleted_atom_ids(), deleted_bond_ids=reactions_summary.get_deleted_bond_ids(), ) ) return self def _with_reactions_summary(self, summary): """ Add the results held in `summary`. Parameters ---------- summary : :class:`._ReactionsSummary` A summary of the reaction results. Returns ------- None : :class:`NoneType` """ self._atoms.extend(summary.get_atoms()) self._atom_infos.extend(summary.get_atom_infos()) self._bonds.extend(summary.get_bonds()) self._bond_infos.extend(summary.get_bond_infos()) positions = tuple(summary.get_positions()) if positions: self._position_matrix = np.vstack( [ self._position_matrix, positions, ] ) def _with_deletions_summary(self, summary): """ Add the results held in `summary`. Parameters ---------- summary : :class:`._DeletionsSummary` A summary of the atom deletion results. Returns ------- None : :class:`NoneType` """ self._atoms = list(summary.get_atoms()) self._atom_infos = list(summary.get_atom_infos()) self._bonds = list(summary.get_bonds()) self._bond_infos = list(summary.get_bond_infos()) self._position_matrix = np.array(list(summary.get_positions())) return self