Source code for stk._internal.ea.crossover.molecule_crosser

import typing
from import Iterator, Sequence

from stk._internal.ea.crossover.record import CrossoverRecord

T = typing.TypeVar("T")

[docs] class MoleculeCrosser(typing.Protocol[T]): """ Performs crossover operations. Crossers take multiple molecules and recombine them to make new, offspring, molecules. Examples: *Implementing crossover operations* You only need to implement :meth:`.cross`. The source code of any of the classes listed in :mod:`.crosser` can serve as good examples. """
[docs] def cross(self, records: Sequence[T]) -> Iterator[CrossoverRecord[T]]: """ Cross `records`. Parameters: records (list[T]): The molecule records on which a crossover operation is performed. Yields: A record of a crossover operation. """ ...