Source code for stk._internal.ea.fitness_normalizers.fitness_normalizer

import typing
from typing import Any

T = typing.TypeVar("T")

[docs] class FitnessNormalizer(typing.Generic[T]): """ Abstract base class for fitness normalizers. A fitness normalizer takes a dictionary mapping :class:`.MoleculeRecord` instances to their fitness values and returns a new dictionary mapping them to their normalized fitness values. The primary benefit of a normalizer vs a :class:`.FitnessCalculator` is that a :class:`.FitnessNormalizer` has access to all members in the population when it is calculating the normalized fitness value, whereas a :class:`.FitnessCalculator` does not. """
[docs] def normalize(self, fitness_values: dict[T, Any]) -> dict[T, Any]: """ Normalize some fitness values. Parameters: fitness_values: The molecules which need to have their fitness values normalized. Returns: The new fitness value for each molecule. """ raise NotImplementedError()