Source code for stk._internal.ea.fitness_normalizers.multiply

import typing
from import Callable, Iterable
from typing import Any

import numpy as np

from .fitness_normalizer import FitnessNormalizer

T = typing.TypeVar("T")

[docs] class Multiply(FitnessNormalizer[T]): """ Multiplies the fitness values by some coefficient. Examples: *Multiplying Fitness Values by a Set of Coefficients* In this example, assume that each fitness value consists of a :class:`tuple` of numbers, each representing a different property of the molecule, and each contributing to the final fitness value. The properties can be anything, such as energy, number of atoms or diameter. If your final fitness value depends on the combination of these properties, you will probably first want to scale them with :class:`.DivideByMean`. Once this is done, you may want to multiply each property by some coefficient, which reflects its relative importance to the final fitness value. For example if you multiply the value of one property by ``1`` and another by ``2``, the second will contribute twice as much to the final fitness value, assuming that you get the final fitness value by using the :class:`.Sum` normalizer after :class:`.Multiply`. Giving a concrete example .. testcode:: multiplying-fitness-values-by-a-set-of-coefficients import stk import numpy as np building_block = stk.BuildingBlock('BrCCBr', stk.BromoFactory()) record = stk.MoleculeRecord( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[building_block], repeating_unit='A', num_repeating_units=2, ), ) fitness_values = { record: (1, 1, 1), } normalizer = stk.Multiply((1, 2, 3)) normalized_fitness_values = normalizer.normalize(fitness_values) assert np.all(np.equal( normalized_fitness_values[record], (1, 2, 3), )) *Selectively Normalizing Fitness Values* Sometimes, you only want to normalize some members of a population, for example if some do not have an assigned fitness value, because the fitness calculation failed for whatever reason. You can use the `filter` parameter to exclude records from the normalization .. testcode:: selectively-normalizing-fitness-values import stk import numpy as np building_block = stk.BuildingBlock('BrCCBr', stk.BromoFactory()) record1 = stk.MoleculeRecord( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[building_block], repeating_unit='A', num_repeating_units=2, ), ) record2 = stk.MoleculeRecord( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[building_block], repeating_unit='A', num_repeating_units=2, ), ) fitness_values = { record1: (1, 1, 1), record2: None, } normalizer = stk.Multiply( coefficient=(1, 2, 3), # Only normalize values which are not None. filter=lambda fitness_values, record: fitness_values[record] is not None, ) normalized_fitness_values = normalizer.normalize(fitness_values) assert np.all(np.equal( normalized_fitness_values[record1], (1, 2, 3), )) assert normalized_fitness_values[record2] is None """ def __init__( self, coefficient: float | Iterable[float], filter: Callable[[dict[T, Any], T], bool] = lambda fitness_values, record: True, ) -> None: """ Parameters: coefficient (float | list[float]): The coefficients each fitness value is multiplied by. Can be a single number or multiple numbers, depending on the form of the fitness value. filter: A function which returns ``True`` or ``False``. Only molecules which return ``True`` will have fitness values normalized. By default, all molecules will have fitness values normalized. The instance passed to the `fitness_values` argument of :meth:`.normalize` is passed as the first argument, while the second argument will be passed every :class:`.MoleculeRecord` in it, one at a time. """ if not isinstance(coefficient, int | float): coefficient = tuple(coefficient) self._coefficient = coefficient self._filter = filter
[docs] def normalize(self, fitness_values: dict[T, Any]) -> dict[T, Any]: return { record: ( np.multiply(self._coefficient, fitness_value) if self._filter(fitness_values, record) else fitness_value ) for record, fitness_value in fitness_values.items() }