Source code for stk._internal.ea.mutation.random_building_block

import typing
from import Callable, Iterable

import numpy as np

from stk._internal.building_block import BuildingBlock
from stk._internal.ea.molecule_record import MoleculeRecord
from stk._internal.ea.mutation.record import MutationRecord
from stk._internal.topology_graphs.topology_graph.topology_graph import (

T = typing.TypeVar("T", bound=TopologyGraph)

[docs] class RandomBuildingBlock: """ Substitutes random building blocks. This mutator takes a :class:`.ConstructedMolecule` and substitutes the building blocks with one chosen at random from a given set. Examples: *Constructed Molecule Mutation* .. testcode:: constructed-molecule-mutation import stk # Create a molecule which is to be mutated. bb1 = stk.BuildingBlock('NCCN', [stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()]) bb2 = stk.BuildingBlock('O=CCC=O', [stk.AldehydeFactory()]) polymer = stk.MoleculeRecord( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear((bb1, bb2), 'AB', 3), ) # Create molecules used to substitute building blocks. building_blocks = ( stk.BuildingBlock( smiles='NC[Si]CCN', functional_groups=[stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()], ), stk.BuildingBlock( smiles='NCCCCCCCN', functional_groups=[stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()], ), stk.BuildingBlock( smiles='NC1CCCCC1N', functional_groups=[stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()], ), ) # Create the mutator. def has_primary_amino_group(building_block): fg, = building_block.get_functional_groups(0) return type(fg) is stk.PrimaryAmino random_bb = stk.RandomBuildingBlock( building_blocks=building_blocks, is_replaceable=has_primary_amino_group, ) # Mutate a molecule. mutation_record1 = random_bb.mutate(polymer) # Mutate the molecule a second time. mutation_record2 = random_bb.mutate(polymer) """ def __init__( self, building_blocks: Iterable[BuildingBlock], is_replaceable: Callable[[BuildingBlock], bool], name: str = "RandomBuildingBlock", random_seed: int | np.random.Generator | None = None, ) -> None: """ Parameters: building_blocks (list[BuildingBlock]): A group of molecules which are used to replace building blocks in molecules being mutated. is_replaceable: This function is applied to every building block in the molecule being mutated. Building blocks which returned ``True`` are liable for substitution by one of the molecules in `building_blocks`. name: A name to help identify the mutator instance. random_seed: The random seed to use. """ if random_seed is None or isinstance(random_seed, int): random_seed = np.random.default_rng(random_seed) self._building_blocks = tuple(building_blocks) self._is_replaceable = is_replaceable self._name = name self._generator = random_seed
[docs] def mutate( self, record: MoleculeRecord[T], ) -> MutationRecord[MoleculeRecord[T]]: """ Return a mutant of `record`. Parameters: record: The molecule to be mutated. Returns: A record of the mutation. """ # Choose the building block which undergoes mutation. replaceable_building_blocks = tuple( filter( self._is_replaceable, ( bb for bb in record.get_molecule().get_building_blocks() # TODO: this is actually a type error -- maybe # get_building_blocks needs to return BuildingBlock # instances? if isinstance(bb, BuildingBlock) ), ) ) replaced_building_block = self._generator.choice( a=replaceable_building_blocks, # type: ignore ) # Choose a replacement building block. replacement = self._generator.choice( self._building_blocks, # type: ignore ) # Build the new ConstructedMolecule. graph = record.get_topology_graph().with_building_blocks( { replaced_building_block: replacement, } ) return MutationRecord( molecule_record=MoleculeRecord(graph), mutator_name=self._name, )