Source code for stk._internal.ea.plotters.progress

import pathlib
import typing
from import Iterable, Sequence

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns


[docs] class ProgressPlotter: """ Plots how a property changes during an EA run. The produced plot will show the EA generations on the x axis and the min, mean and max values of an attribute on the y axis. Examples: *Plotting How Fitness Values Change Across Generations* .. testcode:: plotting-how-fitness-values-change-across-generations import stk # Initialize an EA somehow. ea = stk.EvolutionaryAlgorithm( initial_population=[ stk.MoleculeRecord( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[ stk.BuildingBlock( smiles='BrCCBr', functional_groups=stk.BromoFactory(), ), ], repeating_unit='A', num_repeating_units=i, ), ) for i in range(2, 22) ], fitness_calculator=stk.FitnessFunction( fitness_function=lambda record: record.get_molecule().get_num_atoms(), ), mutator=stk.RandomBuildingBlock( building_blocks=[ stk.BuildingBlock('BrC[Si]CCBr', stk.BromoFactory()), stk.BuildingBlock('BrCCCCCCCBr', stk.BromoFactory()), ], is_replaceable=lambda building_block: True ), crosser=stk.GeneticRecombination( get_gene=lambda building_block: 0 ), generation_selector=stk.Best( num_batches=22, duplicate_molecules=False, ), mutation_selector=stk.Roulette( num_batches=5, random_seed=10, ), crossover_selector=stk.Roulette( num_batches=5, batch_size=2, random_seed=10, ), num_processes=1, ) fitness_values = [] for generation in ea.get_generations(10): fitness_values.append( [ fitness_value.raw for fitness_value in generation.get_fitness_values().values() ] ) # Make the plotter which plots the fitness change across # generations. progress = stk.ProgressPlotter( property=fitness_values, y_label='Fitness' ) progress.write('fitness_plot.png') .. testcode:: plotting-how-fitness-values-change-across-generations :hide: import os assert os.path.exists('fitness_plot.png') os.remove('fitness_plot.png') *Plotting How a Molecular Property Changes Across Generations* As an example, plotting how the number of atoms changes across generations .. testcode:: plotting-how-a-molecular-property-changes import stk # Initialize an EA somehow. ea = stk.EvolutionaryAlgorithm( initial_population=[ stk.MoleculeRecord( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[ stk.BuildingBlock( smiles='BrCCBr', functional_groups=stk.BromoFactory(), ), ], repeating_unit='A', num_repeating_units=i, ), ) for i in range(2, 22) ], fitness_calculator=stk.FitnessFunction( fitness_function=lambda record: record.get_molecule().get_num_atoms(), ), mutator=stk.RandomBuildingBlock( building_blocks=[ stk.BuildingBlock('BrC[Si]CCBr', stk.BromoFactory()), stk.BuildingBlock('BrCCCCCCCBr', stk.BromoFactory()), ], is_replaceable=lambda building_block: True ), crosser=stk.GeneticRecombination( get_gene=lambda building_block: 0 ), generation_selector=stk.Best( num_batches=22, duplicate_molecules=False, ), mutation_selector=stk.Roulette( num_batches=5, random_seed=10, ), crossover_selector=stk.Roulette( num_batches=5, batch_size=2, random_seed=10, ), num_processes=1, ) num_atoms = [] for generation in ea.get_generations(10): num_atoms.append( [ record.get_molecule().get_num_atoms() for record in generation.get_molecule_records() ] ) # Make the plotter which plots the number of atoms across # generations. progress = stk.ProgressPlotter( property=num_atoms, y_label='Number of Atoms' ) progress.write('number_of_atoms_plot.png') .. testcode:: plotting-how-a-molecular-property-changes :hide: import os assert os.path.exists('number_of_atoms_plot.png') os.remove('number_of_atoms_plot.png') *Excluding Molecules From the Plot* Sometimes, you want to ignore some molecules from the plot you make. For example, If the fitness calculation failed on a molecule, you not want to include in a plot of fitness. .. testcode:: excluding-molecules-from-the-plot import stk # Initialize an EA somehow. ea = stk.EvolutionaryAlgorithm( initial_population=[ stk.MoleculeRecord( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[ stk.BuildingBlock( smiles='BrCCBr', functional_groups=stk.BromoFactory(), ), ], repeating_unit='A', num_repeating_units=i, ), ) for i in range(2, 22) ], fitness_calculator=stk.FitnessFunction( fitness_function=lambda record: record.get_molecule().get_num_atoms(), ), mutator=stk.RandomBuildingBlock( building_blocks=[ stk.BuildingBlock('BrC[Si]CCBr', stk.BromoFactory()), stk.BuildingBlock('BrCCCCCCCBr', stk.BromoFactory()), ], is_replaceable=lambda building_block: True ), crosser=stk.GeneticRecombination( get_gene=lambda building_block: 0 ), generation_selector=stk.Best( num_batches=22, duplicate_molecules=False, ), mutation_selector=stk.Roulette( num_batches=5, random_seed=10, ), crossover_selector=stk.Roulette( num_batches=5, batch_size=2, random_seed=10, ), num_processes=1, ) fitness_values = [] for generation in ea.get_generations(10): fitness_values.append( [ fitness_value.normalized for fitness_value in generation.get_fitness_values().values() if fitness_value.raw is not None ] ) # Make the plotter which plots the fitness change across # generations. progress = stk.ProgressPlotter( property=fitness_values, y_label='Fitness', ) progress.write('fitness_plot.png') .. testcode:: excluding-molecules-from-the-plot :hide: import os assert os.path.exists('fitness_plot.png') os.remove('fitness_plot.png') """ def __init__( self, property: Iterable[Sequence[float]], y_label: str, ) -> None: """ Parameters: property (list[list[float]]): The generations of the EA, which are plotted. y_label: The y label for the produced graph. """ self._property = tuple(property) self._y_label = y_label self._filter = filter self._plot_data = self._get_plot_data() def _get_plot_data(self) -> pd.DataFrame: self._num_generations = 0 data = [] for id_, property in enumerate(self._property): self._num_generations += 1 # If there are no values after filtering, don't plot # anything for the generation. if not property: continue data.append( pd.DataFrame( data={ "Generation": [id_, id_, id_], self._y_label: [ max(property), np.mean(property), min(property), ], "Type": ["Max", "Mean", "Min"], }, index=["Generation", "Generation", "Generation"], ), ) return pd.concat(data, ignore_index=True)
[docs] def get_plot_data(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get the plot data. Returns: A data frame holding the plot data. """ return self._plot_data.copy()
[docs] def write(self, path: pathlib.Path | str, dpi: int = 500) -> typing.Self: """ Write a progress plot to a file. Parameters: path: The path into which the plot is written. dpi: The dpi of the image. Returns: ProgressPlotter: The plotter is returned. """ sns.set(style="darkgrid") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4.5)) palette = sns.color_palette("deep") # It's possible that all values were filtered out, and trying # to plot an empty dataframe would raise an exception. if len(self._plot_data) != 0: sns.scatterplot( x="Generation", y=self._y_label, hue="Type", palette={ "Max": palette[3], "Min": palette[0], "Mean": palette[2], }, data=self._plot_data, ) # Set the length of the axes to account for all generations, # as its possible the first or last ones were not included # due to being filtered out. plt.xlim(0, self._num_generations) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.15, 1), prop={"size": 9}) plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig(path, dpi=dpi) plt.close("all") return self