Source code for stk._internal.ea.selection.selectors.filter_molecules

import typing
from import Iterator

from stk._internal.ea.molecule_record import MoleculeRecord
from stk._internal.ea.selection.batch import Batch

from .selector import ExcludedBatches, IncludedBatches, Selector

T = typing.TypeVar("T", bound=MoleculeRecord)

[docs] class FilterMolecules(Selector[T]): """ Allows a :class:`.Selector` to select only some molecules. Examples: *Using a Selection Algorithm on a Subset of Batches* .. testcode:: using-a-selection-algorithm-on-a-subset-of-batches import stk selector = stk.FilterMolecules( # Use only molecules in the top 5 batches of size 3. filter=stk.Best(num_batches=5, batch_size=3), # Select from those molecules using roulette selection. selector=stk.Roulette(num_batches=20, batch_size=3), ) population = { stk.MoleculeRecord( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[ stk.BuildingBlock('BrCCBr', stk.BromoFactory()), ], repeating_unit='A', num_repeating_units=2, ), ): i for i in range(10) } for batch in # Do stuff with batch. All the molecules in the batch # belong to the top 5 batches of size 3. The batch # was selected using roulette selection. pass """ def __init__(self, filter: Selector[T], selector: Selector[T]) -> None: """ Parameters: filter: Selects molecules which can be yielded by `selector`. selector: Selects batches of molecules. The batches can only contain molecules yielded by `filter`. """ self._filter = filter self._selector = selector
[docs] def select( self, population: dict[T, float], included_batches: "IncludedBatches" = None, excluded_batches: "ExcludedBatches" = None, ) -> Iterator[Batch[T]]: valid_batches = population=population, included_batches=included_batches, excluded_batches=excluded_batches, ) valid_population = { record: population[record] for batch in valid_batches for record in batch } yield from population=valid_population, included_batches=included_batches, excluded_batches=excluded_batches, )