Source code for stk._internal.ea.selection.selectors.selector

import itertools
import logging
import typing
from import Callable, Iterator, Sequence, Set

from stk._internal.ea.molecule_record import MoleculeRecord
from stk._internal.key_makers.molecule import MoleculeKeyMaker

from ..batch import Batch, BatchKey
from .yielded_batches import YieldedBatches

T = typing.TypeVar("T", bound=MoleculeRecord)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

IncludedBatches: typing.TypeAlias = "Set[BatchKey] | None"
ExcludedBatches: typing.TypeAlias = "Set[BatchKey] | None"

[docs] class Selector(typing.Generic[T]): """ An abstract base class for selectors. Selectors select batches of molecules from a population. Each batch is selected based on its fitness. The fitness of a batch is the sum of all fitness values of the molecules in the batch. Batches may be of size 1. Notes: You might notice that some of the public methods of this abstract base class are implemented. This is purely for convenience when implementing subclasses. The implemented public methods are simply default implementations, which can be safely ignored or overridden, when implementing subclasses. Any private methods are implementation details of these default implementations. *The Default Implementation* This section is only of use to people who want to add a new :class:`.Selector` subclass, and want to make use of the default implementation to make this job easier. When using the default implementation you do not need to implement :meth:`.select`, which is already provided, but instead :meth:`._select_from_batches` needs to be implemented. What the default implementation provides, is code, which does the batching of a `population` for you, which means you only have to worry about implementing the selection algorithm, which works on batches directly. The default implementation also automatically updates a :class:`.YieldedBatches` object for you, so that you can keep track of which batches have already been yielded, in case you want to prevent duplicate selection of batches or molecule records. Though whether you want to make use of this will depend on the nature of your selection algorithm. See Also: * :class:`.Batch`: Represents batches of selected molecules. Examples: *Subclass Implementation* The source code of the classes listed in :mod:`.selector` can serve as good examples. """ def __init__( self, key_maker: MoleculeKeyMaker, fitness_modifier: Callable[[dict[T, float]], dict[T, float]], batch_size: int, ) -> None: """ Parameters: key_maker: Used to get the keys of molecules, which are used to determine if two molecule records are duplicates of each other. fitness_modifier: Takes the `population` on which :meth:`.select` is called and returns a :class:`dict`, which maps records in the `population` to the fitness values the :class:`.Selector` should use. batch_size: The number of molecules yielded at once. """ self._key_maker = key_maker self._fitness_modifier = fitness_modifier self._batch_size = batch_size
[docs] def select( self, population: dict[T, float], included_batches: "IncludedBatches" = None, excluded_batches: "ExcludedBatches" = None, ) -> Iterator[Batch[T]]: """ Yield batches of molecule records from `population`. Parameters: population: A collection of molecules from which batches are selected. included_batches: The identity keys of batches which are allowed to be yielded, if ``None`` all batches can be yielded. If not ``None`` only batches `included_batches` will be yielded. excluded_batches: The identity keys of batches which are not allowed to be yielded. If ``None``, no batch is forbidden from being yielded. Yields: A batch of selected molecule records. """ batches = tuple( self._get_batches( population=self._fitness_modifier(population), included_batches=included_batches, excluded_batches=excluded_batches, ) ) yielded_batches: YieldedBatches[T] = YieldedBatches(self._key_maker) for batch in self._select_from_batches( batches=batches, yielded_batches=yielded_batches, ): yielded_batches.update(batch) yield batch cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ logger.debug( f"{cls_name} yielded {yielded_batches.get_num()} batches." )
def _get_batches( self, population: dict[T, float], included_batches: Set[BatchKey] | None, excluded_batches: Set[BatchKey] | None, ) -> Iterator[Batch[T]]: """ Get batches molecules from `population`. Parameters: population: The molecule records which are to be batched. included_batches: The identity keys of batches which are allowed to be yielded, if ``None`` all batches can be yielded. If not ``None`` only batches `included_batches` will be yielded. excluded_batches: The identity keys of batches which are not allowed to be yielded. If ``None``, no batch is forbidden from being yielded. Yields: A batch of molecules from `population`. """ def is_included(batch: Batch[T]) -> bool: if included_batches is None: return True return batch.get_identity_key() in included_batches def is_excluded(batch: Batch[T]) -> bool: if excluded_batches is None: return False return batch.get_identity_key() in excluded_batches for records in itertools.combinations(population, self._batch_size): batch = Batch( records=((record, population[record]) for record in records), key_maker=self._key_maker, ) if is_included(batch) and not is_excluded(batch): yield batch def _select_from_batches( self, batches: Sequence[Batch[T]], yielded_batches: YieldedBatches[T], ) -> Iterator[Batch[T]]: """ Yield batches from `batches`. Parameters: batches: Batches from which some are selected. yielded_batches: Keeps track of which batches have been yielded. This object automatically updates each time ``yield`` is called. Yields: A selected batch. """ raise NotImplementedError()