Source code for stk._internal.functional_groups.generic_functional_group

Generic Functional Group


from __future__ import annotations

import typing

from stk._internal.atom import Atom
from stk._internal.functional_groups.functional_group import FunctionalGroup

_T = typing.TypeVar("_T", bound="GenericFunctionalGroup")

[docs] class GenericFunctionalGroup(FunctionalGroup): """ A functional group which defines general atomic classes. *Bonders* are atoms which should have bonds added by a :class:`.Reaction`. *Deleters* are atoms which should be removed by a :class:`.Reaction`. This interface allows the same reactions to be carried out across different functional groups, without knowing which specific elements it holds. """ def __init__( self, atoms: tuple[Atom, ...], bonders: tuple[Atom, ...], deleters: tuple[Atom, ...], placers: typing.Optional[tuple[Atom, ...]] = None, ) -> None: """ Initialize a :class:`.GenericFunctionalGroup`. Parameters: atoms: The atoms in the functional group. bonders: The bonder atoms in the functional group. deleters: The deleter atoms in the functional group. placers: The placer atoms of the functional group. If ``None``, the `bonders` will be used. """ deleter_set = set(atom.get_id() for atom in deleters) super().__init__( atoms=atoms, placers=bonders if placers is None else placers, core_atoms=tuple( atom for atom in atoms if atom.get_id() not in deleter_set ), ) self._bonders = bonders self._deleters = deleters def _clone(self: _T) -> _T: clone = super()._clone() clone._bonders = self._bonders clone._deleters = self._deleters return clone
[docs] def clone(self) -> GenericFunctionalGroup: return self._clone()
[docs] def with_atoms( self, atom_map: dict[int, Atom], ) -> GenericFunctionalGroup: return GenericFunctionalGroup( atoms=tuple(atom_map.get(a.get_id(), a) for a in self._atoms), bonders=tuple(atom_map.get(a.get_id(), a) for a in self._bonders), deleters=tuple( atom_map.get(a.get_id(), a) for a in self._deleters ), placers=tuple(atom_map.get(a.get_id(), a) for a in self._placers), )
def _with_ids(self: _T, id_map: dict[int, int]) -> _T: super()._with_ids(id_map) self._bonders = tuple( bonder.with_id( id=id_map.get( bonder.get_id(), bonder.get_id(), ) ) for bonder in self._bonders ) self._deleters = tuple( deleter.with_id( id=id_map.get( deleter.get_id(), deleter.get_id(), ), ) for deleter in self._deleters ) return self
[docs] def with_ids( self, id_map: dict[int, int], ) -> GenericFunctionalGroup: return self.clone()._with_ids(id_map)
[docs] def get_bonders(self) -> typing.Iterator[Atom]: """ Yield bonder atoms in the functional group. These are atoms which have bonds added during :class:`.ConstructedMolecule` construction. Yields: A bonder atom. """ yield from self._bonders
[docs] def get_num_bonders(self) -> int: """ Get the number of bonder atoms. Returns: The number of bonder atoms. """ return len(self._bonders)
[docs] def get_bonder_ids(self) -> typing.Iterator[int]: """ Yield the ids of bonder atoms. Yields: The id of a bonder :class:`.Atom`. """ yield from (a.get_id() for a in self._bonders)
[docs] def get_deleters(self) -> typing.Iterator[Atom]: """ Yield the deleter atoms in the functional group. These are atoms which are removed during :class:`.ConstructedMolecule` construction. Yields: A deleter atom. """ yield from self._deleters
[docs] def get_deleter_ids(self) -> typing.Iterator[int]: """ Yield the ids of deleter atoms. Yields: The id of a deleter :class:`.Atom`. """ yield from (a.get_id() for a in self._deleters)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"atoms={self._atoms}, " f"bonders={self._bonders}, " f"deleters={self._deleters}" ")" )