Source code for stk._internal.json_serde.molecule

import typing

import numpy as np

from stk._internal.key_makers.inchi_key import InchiKey
from stk._internal.key_makers.molecule import MoleculeKeyMaker
from stk._internal.molecule import Molecule
from stk._internal.utilities.utilities import OneOrMany

from .utilities import (

class _MolecularGraphJson(typing.TypedDict):
    a: tuple[AtomJson, ...]
    b: tuple[BondJson, ...]

class _PositionMatrixJson(typing.TypedDict):
    m: list[list[float]]

class _MoleculeJson(typing.TypedDict):
    molecule: _MolecularGraphJson
    matrix: _PositionMatrixJson

[docs] class MoleculeJsonizer: """ Abstract base class for creating JSONs of molecules. See Also: :class:`.ConstructedMoleculeJsonizer` Notes: You might notice that the public methods of this abstract base class are implemented. These are just default implementations, which can be safely ignored or overridden, when implementing subclasses. However, the default implementation can be used directly, if it suits your needs. Examples: *Converting a Molecule to JSON* You want to create a JSON representation of a molecule .. testcode:: converting-a-molecule-to-json import stk jsonizer = stk.MoleculeJsonizer() json = jsonizer.to_json(stk.BuildingBlock('NCCN')) *Adding Additional Molecular Keys* Apart from atoms, bonds and the position matrix, the JSON representation holds additional fields, one for each :class:`.MoleculeKeyMaker` provided to the initializer .. testcode:: adding-additional-molecular-keys import stk jsonizer = stk.MoleculeJsonizer( key_makers=( stk.Inchi(), stk.InchiKey(), ), ) json = jsonizer.to_json(stk.BuildingBlock('NCCN')) In this case, ``json`` will look something like .. code-block:: python { # A tuple of JSON atom representations. 'atoms': (...), # A tuple of JSON bond representations. 'bonds': (...), 'InChI': 'The InChI of the molecule', 'InChIKey': 'The InChIKey of the molecule', } For every :class:`.MoleculeKeyMaker` provided to `key_makers`, a new key will be added to the JSON representation, with its name given by :meth:`.MoleculeKeyMaker.get_key_name` and the value given by :meth:`.MoleculeKeyMaker.get_key`. """ def __init__( self, key_makers: OneOrMany[MoleculeKeyMaker] = (InchiKey(),), ) -> None: """ Initialize a :class:`.MoleculeJsonizer` instance. Parameters: key_makers: Used to make the keys of molecules, which should be included in their JSON representations. Keys allow molecular data to reference itself when split across multiple JSONs. """ if isinstance(key_makers, MoleculeKeyMaker): key_makers = (key_makers,) self._key_makers = tuple(key_makers)
[docs] def to_json( self, molecule: Molecule, ) -> _MoleculeJson: """ Return a JSON representation of `molecule`. Parameters: molecule: The molecule to serialize. Returns: A JSON representation of `molecule`. """ json: _MolecularGraphJson = { "a": tuple(map(atom_to_json, molecule.get_atoms())), "b": tuple(map(bond_to_json, molecule.get_bonds())), } position_matrix: _PositionMatrixJson = { "m": molecule.get_position_matrix().tolist(), } for key_maker in self._key_makers: key_name = key_maker.get_key_name() key = key_maker.get_key(molecule) # TypedDict does not allow keys which are not listed in the # class definition. However, because we wish to create # indices on keys created by KeyMakers we need to add # these additional key-value pairs. json[key_name] = key # type: ignore position_matrix[key_name] = key # type: ignore return { "molecule": json, "matrix": position_matrix, }
def __str__(self) -> str: return repr(self) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self._key_makers!r})"
[docs] class MoleculeDejsonizer: """ Abstract base class for creating molecules from JSONs. See Also -------- :class:`.ConstructedMoleculeDejsonizer` Notes ----- You might notice that the public methods of this abstract base class are implemented. These are just default implementations, which can be safely ignored or overridden, when implementing subclasses. However, the default implementation can be used directly, if it suits your needs. """
[docs] def from_json(self, json): """ Get a :class:`.Molecule` from a JSON. Parameters ---------- json : :class:`dict` A JSON representation of a molecule. Returns ------- :class:`.Molecule` The molecule held in `json`. """ atoms = tuple( to_atom(atom_id, atom_json) for atom_id, atom_json in enumerate(json["molecule"]["a"]) ) return Molecule( atoms=atoms, bonds=tuple( to_bond(atoms, bond_json) for bond_json in json["molecule"]["b"] ), position_matrix=np.array(json["matrix"]["m"]), )
def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}()"