Source code for stk._internal.reactions.reaction.reaction

from .reaction_result import ReactionResult

[docs] class Reaction: """ An abstract base class for reactions. Reactions are used to add and remove atoms and bonds during :class:`.ConstructedMolecule` construction. Each subclass will implement a specific algorithm for doing this. Each :class:`.Reaction` instance should operate on a small set of directly relevant :class:`.FunctionalGroup` instances, and only modify the atoms and bonds of those instances. Normally, like 99% of the time, this should just be two functional groups, and you should ensure your topology graph only needs to react two functional groups at a time, if you can. However, :mod:`stk` does not actually care, and you can modify as many atoms and bonds as you want in any reaction. See Also -------- :mod:`.reaction_factory` Used for automated creation of :class:`.Reaction` instances. Typically, :class:`.Reaction` instances are not created directly, but only through some kind of :class:`.ReactionFactory` instance. Notes ----- You might notice that the public method of this abstract base class, :meth:`.get_result`, is implemented. This is purely for convenience when implementing subclasses. The implemented public method is simply a default implementation, which can be safely ignored or overridden, when implementing subclasses. The private methods are an implementation detail of this default implementation. However, they are not implemented. To use the default implementation of :meth:`.get_result`, the private methods it relies on need to be implemented. Examples -------- *Subclass Implementation* The source code of the subclasses, listed in :mod:`~.reaction.reaction`, can serve as good examples. """
[docs] def get_result(self): """ Get the result of carrying out the reaction. Returns ------- :class:`.ReactionResult` Holds the results of the reaction. """ return ReactionResult( new_atoms=tuple(self._get_new_atoms()), new_bonds=tuple(self._get_new_bonds()), deleted_atoms=tuple(self._get_deleted_atoms()), deleted_bonds=tuple(self._get_deleted_bonds()), )
def _get_new_atoms(self): """ Yield the atoms added by the reaction. Yields ------ :class:`tuple` A :class:`tuple` of the form ``(atom, position)``, holding an :class:`.Atom` added by the reaction and its position as a :class:`numpy.ndarray`. New atoms have a negative id, and will need to be assigned a new one when added to the :class:`.ConstructedMolecule`. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _get_new_bonds(self): """ Yield the bonds added by the reaction. Yields ------ :class:`.Bond` A bond added by the reaction. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _get_deleted_atoms(self): """ Yield the atoms removed by the reaction. Yields ------ :class:`.Atom` An atom deleted by the reaction. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _get_deleted_bonds(self): """ Yield the bonds removed by the reaction between existing atoms. Yields ------ :class:`.Bond` An bond deleted by the reaction. """ raise NotImplementedError()