Source code for stk._internal.topology_graphs.cage.vertices

Cage Vertices


import typing

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean

from stk._internal.topology_graphs.vertex import Vertex
from stk._internal.utilities.utilities import (

from ..utilities import _EdgeSorter, _FunctionalGroupSorter

class _CageVertex(Vertex):
    Represents a vertex of a :class:`.Cage`.


    def __init__(
        id: int,
        position: np.ndarray,
        use_neighbor_placement: bool = True,
        aligner_edge: int = 0,
    ) -> None:

                The id of the vertex.

                The position of the vertex.

                If ``True``, the position of the vertex will be updated
                based on the neighboring functional groups.

                The edge which is used to align the :class:`.BuildingBlock`
                placed on the vertex. The first :class:`.FunctionalGroup`
                is rotated such that it lies exactly on this
                :class:`.Edge`. Must be between ``0`` and the number of
                edges the vertex is connected to.


        self._use_neighbor_placement = use_neighbor_placement
        self._aligner_edge = aligner_edge
        super().__init__(id, position)

    def clone(self):
        clone = super().clone()
        clone._aligner_edge = self._aligner_edge
        clone._use_neighbor_placement = self._use_neighbor_placement
        return clone

    def _with_aligner_edge(self, aligner_edge: int) -> typing.Self:
        Modify the instance.


        self._aligner_edge = aligner_edge
        return self

    def with_aligner_edge(self, aligner_edge: int) -> typing.Self:
        Return a clone with a different `aligner_edge`.


                The aligner edge of the clone.


            The clone. Has the same type as the original instance.


        return self.clone()._with_aligner_edge(aligner_edge)

    def _with_use_neighbor_placement(
        use_neighbor_placement: bool,
    ) -> typing.Self:
        Modify the instance.


        self._use_neighbor_placement = use_neighbor_placement
        return self

    def with_use_neighbor_placement(
        use_neighbor_placement: bool,
    ) -> typing.Self:
        Return a clone with a different `use_neighbor_placement`.


                ``True`` if the position should be updated based on neighbors.


            The clone. Has the same type as the original instance.


        return self.clone()._with_use_neighbor_placement(

    def use_neighbor_placement(self) -> bool:
        ``True`` if the position should be updated based on neighbors.


            ``True`` if the position of the vertex should be updated
            based on the positions of functional groups on neighboring


        return self._use_neighbor_placement

    def init_at_center(
        id: int,
        vertices: tuple[Vertex, ...],
    ) -> typing.Self:
        Initialize a :class:`._CageVertex` in the middle of `vertices`.


                The id of the initialized vertex.

                The vertices at whose center this one needs to be.


            The new vertex.


        return cls(
                    sum(vertex.get_position() for vertex in vertices)
                    / len(vertices)

    def get_aligner_edge(self) -> int:
        Return the aligner edge of the vertex.


            The aligner edge.


        return self._aligner_edge

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return (
            f"Vertex(id={self._id}, "
            f"position={self._position.tolist()}, "

[docs] class LinearVertex(_CageVertex):
[docs] def place_building_block(self, building_block, edges): assert building_block.get_num_functional_groups() == 2, ( f"{building_block} needs to have exactly 2 functional " "groups but has " f"{building_block.get_num_functional_groups()}." ) building_block = building_block.with_centroid( position=self._position, atom_ids=building_block.get_placer_ids(), ) fg_centroid = building_block.get_centroid( atom_ids=next( building_block.get_functional_groups() ).get_placer_ids(), ) edge_position = edges[self._aligner_edge].get_position() edge_centroid = sum(edge.get_position() for edge in edges) / len(edges) building_block = building_block.with_rotation_between_vectors( start=fg_centroid - self._position, target=edge_position - edge_centroid, origin=self._position, ) core_centroid = building_block.get_centroid( atom_ids=building_block.get_core_atom_ids(), ) return building_block.with_rotation_to_minimize_angle( start=core_centroid - self._position, target=self._position, axis=normalize_vector( edges[0].get_position() - edges[1].get_position() ), origin=self._position, ).get_position_matrix()
[docs] def map_functional_groups_to_edges(self, building_block, edges): (fg,) = building_block.get_functional_groups(0) fg_position = building_block.get_centroid(fg.get_placer_ids()) def fg_distance(edge): return euclidean(edge.get_position(), fg_position) edges = sorted(edges, key=fg_distance) return {fg_id: edge.get_id() for fg_id, edge in enumerate(edges)}
[docs] class NonLinearVertex(_CageVertex):
[docs] def place_building_block(self, building_block, edges): assert building_block.get_num_functional_groups() > 2, ( f"{building_block} needs to have more than 2 functional " "groups but has " f"{building_block.get_num_functional_groups()}." ) building_block = building_block.with_centroid( position=self._position, atom_ids=building_block.get_placer_ids(), ) edge_centroid = sum(edge.get_position() for edge in edges) / len(edges) edge_normal = get_acute_vector( reference=edge_centroid, vector=get_plane_normal( points=np.array([edge.get_position() for edge in edges]), ), ) core_centroid = building_block.get_centroid( atom_ids=building_block.get_core_atom_ids(), ) placer_centroid = building_block.get_centroid( atom_ids=building_block.get_placer_ids(), ) building_block = building_block.with_rotation_between_vectors( start=get_acute_vector( reference=core_centroid - placer_centroid, vector=building_block.get_plane_normal( atom_ids=building_block.get_placer_ids(), ), ), target=edge_normal, origin=self._position, ) fg_bonder_centroid = building_block.get_centroid( atom_ids=next( building_block.get_functional_groups() ).get_placer_ids(), ) edge_position = edges[self._aligner_edge].get_position() return building_block.with_rotation_to_minimize_angle( start=fg_bonder_centroid - self._position, target=edge_position - edge_centroid, axis=edge_normal, origin=self._position, ).get_position_matrix()
[docs] def map_functional_groups_to_edges(self, building_block, edges): # The idea is to order the functional groups in building_block # by their angle with the vector running from the placer # centroid to fg0, going in the clockwise direction. # The edges are also ordered by their angle with the vector # running from the edge centroid to the aligner_edge, # going in the clockwise direction. # # Once the fgs and edges are ordered, zip and assign them. fg_sorter = _FunctionalGroupSorter(building_block) edge_sorter = _EdgeSorter( edges=edges, aligner_edge=edges[self._aligner_edge], axis=fg_sorter.get_axis(), ) return { fg_id: edge.get_id() for fg_id, edge in zip( fg_sorter.get_items(), edge_sorter.get_items(), ) }
[docs] class UnaligningVertex(_CageVertex): """ Just places a building block, does not align. """
[docs] def place_building_block(self, building_block, edges): return building_block.with_centroid( position=self._position, atom_ids=building_block.get_placer_ids(), ).get_position_matrix()
[docs] def map_functional_groups_to_edges(self, building_block, edges): return {fg_id: edge.get_id() for fg_id, edge in enumerate(edges)}
[docs] @classmethod def init_at_center(cls, id, vertices): vertex = cls.__new__(cls) vertex._id = id vertex._position = sum( vertex.get_position() for vertex in vertices ) / len(vertices) vertex._use_neighbor_placement = True vertex._aligner_edge = 0 return vertex
[docs] class AngledVertex(_CageVertex):
[docs] def place_building_block(self, building_block, edges): assert building_block.get_num_functional_groups() == 2, ( f"{building_block} needs to have exactly 2 functional " "groups but has " f"{building_block.get_num_functional_groups()}." ) building_block = building_block.with_centroid( position=self._position, atom_ids=building_block.get_placer_ids(), ) fg_centroid = building_block.get_centroid( atom_ids=next( building_block.get_functional_groups() ).get_placer_ids(), ) edge_position = edges[self._aligner_edge].get_position() edge_centroid = sum(edge.get_position() for edge in edges) / len(edges) building_block = building_block.with_rotation_between_vectors( start=fg_centroid - self._position, target=edge_position - edge_centroid, origin=self._position, ) placer_centroid = building_block.get_centroid( atom_ids=building_block.get_placer_ids(), ) core_centroid = building_block.get_centroid( atom_ids=building_block.get_core_atom_ids(), ) core_to_placer = placer_centroid - core_centroid edge_centroid = sum(edge.get_position() for edge in edges) / len(edges) return building_block.with_rotation_between_vectors( start=core_to_placer, target=edge_centroid - self._position, origin=self._position, ).get_position_matrix()
[docs] def map_functional_groups_to_edges(self, building_block, edges): (fg,) = building_block.get_functional_groups(0) fg_position = building_block.get_centroid(fg.get_placer_ids()) def fg_distance(edge): return euclidean(edge.get_position(), fg_position) edges = sorted(edges, key=fg_distance) return {fg_id: edge.get_id() for fg_id, edge in enumerate(edges)}