Source code for stk._internal.topology_graphs.polymer.linear

import typing
from collections import abc
from dataclasses import dataclass

import numpy as np

from stk._internal.building_block import BuildingBlock
from stk._internal.optimizers.null import NullOptimizer
from stk._internal.optimizers.optimizer import Optimizer
from stk._internal.reaction_factories.generic_reaction_factory import (
from stk._internal.reaction_factories.reaction_factory import (
from stk._internal.topology_graphs.edge import Edge
from stk._internal.topology_graphs.topology_graph.topology_graph import (
from stk._internal.topology_graphs.vertex import Vertex

from .vertices import (

[docs] class Linear(TopologyGraph): """ Represents a linear polymer topology graph. Building blocks with two functional groups are required, unless the building block's position is specified to only be at the capping positions. Examples: *Construction* Linear polymers require building blocks with two functional groups .. testcode:: construction import stk bb1 = stk.BuildingBlock('NCCN', stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()) bb2 = stk.BuildingBlock('O=CCC=O', stk.AldehydeFactory()) polymer = stk.ConstructedMolecule( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[bb1, bb2], repeating_unit='AB', num_repeating_units=4, ), ) .. moldoc:: import moldoc.molecule as molecule import stk bb1 = stk.BuildingBlock('NCCN', stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()) bb2 = stk.BuildingBlock('O=CCC=O', stk.AldehydeFactory()) polymer = stk.ConstructedMolecule( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[bb1, bb2], repeating_unit='AB', num_repeating_units=4, ), ) moldoc_display_molecule = molecule.Molecule( atoms=( molecule.Atom( atomic_number=atom.get_atomic_number(), position=position, ) for atom, position in zip( polymer.get_atoms(), polymer.get_position_matrix(), ) ), bonds=( molecule.Bond( atom1_id=bond.get_atom1().get_id(), atom2_id=bond.get_atom2().get_id(), order=bond.get_order(), ) for bond in polymer.get_bonds() ), ) *Suggested Optimization* For :class:`.Linear` topologies, it is recommend to use the :class:`.Collapser` optimizer. .. testcode:: suggested-optimization import stk bb1 = stk.BuildingBlock('NCCN', stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()) bb2 = stk.BuildingBlock('O=CCC=O', stk.AldehydeFactory()) polymer = stk.ConstructedMolecule( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[bb1, bb2], repeating_unit='AB', num_repeating_units=4, # Setting scale_steps to False tends to lead to a # better structure. optimizer=stk.Collapser(scale_steps=False), ), ) .. moldoc:: import moldoc.molecule as molecule import stk bb1 = stk.BuildingBlock('NCCN', stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()) bb2 = stk.BuildingBlock('O=CCC=O', stk.AldehydeFactory()) polymer = stk.ConstructedMolecule( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[bb1, bb2], repeating_unit='AB', num_repeating_units=4, # Setting scale_steps to False tends to lead to a # better structure. optimizer=stk.Collapser(scale_steps=False), ), ) moldoc_display_molecule = molecule.Molecule( atoms=( molecule.Atom( atomic_number=atom.get_atomic_number(), position=position, ) for atom, position in zip( polymer.get_atoms(), polymer.get_position_matrix(), ) ), bonds=( molecule.Bond( atom1_id=bond.get_atom1().get_id(), atom2_id=bond.get_atom2().get_id(), order=bond.get_order(), ) for bond in polymer.get_bonds() ), ) *Construction with Capping Units* Building blocks with a single functional group can also be provided as capping units .. testcode:: construction-with-capping-units import stk bb1 = stk.BuildingBlock('NCC(F)N', stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()) bb2 = stk.BuildingBlock('O=CCC=O', stk.AldehydeFactory()) bb3 = stk.BuildingBlock('BrCCN', stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()) polymer = stk.ConstructedMolecule( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[bb1, bb2, bb3], repeating_unit='ABABC', num_repeating_units=1, ), ) .. moldoc:: import moldoc.molecule as molecule import stk bb1 = stk.BuildingBlock( smiles='NCC(F)N', functional_groups=[stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()], ) bb2 = stk.BuildingBlock('O=CCC=O', [stk.AldehydeFactory()]) bb3 = stk.BuildingBlock( smiles='BrCCN', functional_groups=[stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()], ) polymer = stk.ConstructedMolecule( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=(bb1, bb2, bb3), repeating_unit='ABABC', num_repeating_units=1, ), ) moldoc_display_molecule = molecule.Molecule( atoms=( molecule.Atom( atomic_number=atom.get_atomic_number(), position=position, ) for atom, position in zip( polymer.get_atoms(), polymer.get_position_matrix(), ) ), bonds=( molecule.Bond( atom1_id=bond.get_atom1().get_id(), atom2_id=bond.get_atom2().get_id(), order=bond.get_order(), ) for bond in polymer.get_bonds() ), ) *Defining the Orientation of Each Building Block* The `orientations` parameter allows the direction of each building block along to the chain to be flipped .. testcode:: defining-the-orientation-of-each-building-block import stk bb1 = stk.BuildingBlock('O=CCC=O', stk.AldehydeFactory()) bb2 = stk.BuildingBlock('NC(Br)CN', stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()) p1 = stk.ConstructedMolecule( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[bb1, bb2], repeating_unit='AB', num_repeating_units=5, orientations=[1, 0.5], ), ) .. moldoc:: import moldoc.molecule as molecule import stk bb1 = stk.BuildingBlock( smiles='O=CC(F)CC=O', functional_groups=[stk.AldehydeFactory()], ) bb2 = stk.BuildingBlock( smiles='NC(Br)CN', functional_groups=[stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()], ) polymer = stk.ConstructedMolecule( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=(bb1, bb2), repeating_unit='AB', num_repeating_units=5, orientations=(1, 0.5), random_seed=1, ), ) moldoc_display_molecule = molecule.Molecule( atoms=( molecule.Atom( atomic_number=atom.get_atomic_number(), position=position, ) for atom, position in zip( polymer.get_atoms(), polymer.get_position_matrix(), ) ), bonds=( molecule.Bond( atom1_id=bond.get_atom1().get_id(), atom2_id=bond.get_atom2().get_id(), order=bond.get_order(), ) for bond in polymer.get_bonds() ), ) In the above example, ``bb1`` is guaranteed to be flipped, ``bb2`` has a 50% chance of being flipped, each time it is placed on a node. Note that whether a building block will be flipped or not is decided during the initialization of :class:`.Linear` .. testcode:: defining-the-orientation-of-each-building-block # chain will always construct the same polymer. chain = stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[bb1, bb2], repeating_unit='AB', num_repeating_units=5, orientations=[0.65, 0.45], ) # p2 and p3 are guaranteed to be the same as they used the # same topology graph. p2 = stk.ConstructedMolecule(chain) p3 = stk.ConstructedMolecule(chain) # chain2 may lead to a different polymer than chain, # despite being initialized with the same parameters. chain2 = stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[bb1, bb2], repeating_unit='AB', num_repeating_units=5, orientations=[0.65, 0.45] ) # p4 and p5 are guaranteed to be the same because they used # the same topology graph. However, they may be different # to p2 and p3. p4 = stk.ConstructedMolecule(chain2) p5 = stk.ConstructedMolecule(chain2) The `random_seed` parameter can be used to get reproducible results .. testcode:: defining-the-orientation-of-each-building-block # p6 and p7 are guaranteed to be the same, because chain3 # and chain4 used the same random seed. chain3 = stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[bb1, bb2], repeating_unit='AB', num_repeating_units=5, orientations=[0.65, 0.45], random_seed=4, ) p6 = stk.ConstructedMolecule(chain3) chain4 = stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[bb1, bb2], repeating_unit='AB', num_repeating_units=5, orientations=[0.65, 0.45], random_seed=4, ) p7 = stk.ConstructedMolecule(chain4) *Using Numbers to Define the Repeating Unit* The repeating unit can also be specified through the indices of the building blocks .. testcode:: using-numbers-to-define-the-repeating-unit import stk bb1 = stk.BuildingBlock('NCCN', stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()) bb2 = stk.BuildingBlock('O=CCC=O', stk.AldehydeFactory()) bb3 = stk.BuildingBlock('NCCN', stk.PrimaryAminoFactory()) # p1 and p2 are different ways to write the same thing. p1 = stk.ConstructedMolecule( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[bb1, bb2, bb3], repeating_unit='ACB', num_repeating_units=1, ), ) p2 = stk.ConstructedMolecule( topology_graph=stk.polymer.Linear( building_blocks=[bb1, bb2, bb3], repeating_unit=[0, 2, 1], num_repeating_units=1, ), ) """ def __init__( self, building_blocks: abc.Iterable[BuildingBlock], repeating_unit: str | abc.Iterable[int], num_repeating_units: int, orientations: abc.Iterable[float] | None = None, random_seed: int | np.random.Generator | None = None, reaction_factory: ReactionFactory = GenericReactionFactory(), num_processes: int = 1, optimizer: Optimizer = NullOptimizer(), scale_multiplier: float = 1.0, ) -> None: """ Parameters: building_blocks (list[BuildingBlock]): The building blocks of the polymer. repeating_unit (str | list[int]): A string specifying the repeating unit of the polymer. For example, ``'AB'`` or ``'ABB'``. The first building block passed to `building_blocks` is ``'A'`` and so on. The repeating unit can also be specified by the indices of `building_blocks`, for example ``'ABB'`` can be written as ``[0, 1, 1]``. num_repeating_units: The number of repeating units which are used to make the polymer. orientations (list[float]): For each character in the repeating unit, a value between ``0`` and ``1`` (both inclusive). It indicates the probability that each monomer will have its orientation along the chain flipped. If ``0`` then the monomer is guaranteed not to flip. If ``1`` it is guaranteed to flip. This allows the user to create head-to-head or head-to-tail chains, as well as chain with a preference for head-to-head or head-to-tail if a number between ``0`` and ``1`` is chosen. If ``None`` then ``0`` is picked in all cases. It is also possible to supply an orientation for every vertex in the final topology graph. In this case, the length of `orientations` must be equal to ``len(repeating_unit)*num_repeating_units``. If there is only one building block in the constructed polymer i.e. the `repeating_unit` has a length of 1 and `num_repeating_units` is 1, the building block will not be re-oriented, even if you provide a value to `orientations`. random_seed: The random seed to use when choosing random orientations. reaction_factory: The factory to use for creating reactions between functional groups of building blocks. num_processes: The number of parallel processes to create during :meth:`construct`. optimizer: Used to optimize the structure of the constructed molecule. scale_multiplier: Scales the positions of the vertices. Raises: :class:`ValueError` If the length of `orientations` is not equal in length to `repeating_unit` or to the total number of vertices. """ self._repr = ( f"Linear({building_blocks!r}, " f"{repeating_unit!r}, {num_repeating_units!r})" ) if not isinstance(repeating_unit, str): repeating_unit = tuple(repeating_unit) if orientations is None: orientations = tuple(0.0 for _ in range(len(repeating_unit))) else: orientations = tuple(orientations) if len(orientations) == len(repeating_unit): orientations = orientations * num_repeating_units polymer_length = len(repeating_unit) * num_repeating_units if len(orientations) != polymer_length: raise ValueError( "The length of orientations must match either " "the length of repeating_unit or the " "total number of vertices." ) # Keep these for __repr__. self._repeating_unit = self._normalize_repeating_unit( repeating_unit=repeating_unit ) self._num_repeating_units = num_repeating_units try: head, *body, tail = orientations vertices_and_edges = self._get_vertices_and_edges( head_orientation=head, body_orientations=body, tail_orientation=tail, random_seed=random_seed, ) vertices = vertices_and_edges.vertices edges = vertices_and_edges.edges except ValueError: vertices = (UnaligningVertex(0, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), False),) edges = () # Save the chosen orientations for __repr__. self._orientations = tuple(int(v.get_flip()) for v in vertices) super().__init__( building_block_vertices=self._get_building_block_vertices( building_blocks=tuple(building_blocks), vertices=vertices, ), edges=edges, reaction_factory=reaction_factory, construction_stages=(), optimizer=optimizer, num_processes=num_processes, scale_multiplier=scale_multiplier, ) @staticmethod def _get_vertices_and_edges( head_orientation: float, body_orientations: abc.Iterable[float], tail_orientation: float, random_seed: int | np.random.Generator | None, ) -> "_VerticesAndEdges": """ Get the vertices and edges of the topology graph. Parameters: head_orientation: The probability that the head vertex will do flipping. body_orientations: For each body vertex, the probability that it will do flipping. tail_orientation: The probability that the tail vertex will do flipping. random_seed: The random seed to use. Returns: The vertices and edges of the topology graph. """ if random_seed is None or isinstance(random_seed, int): random_seed = np.random.default_rng(random_seed) choices = [True, False] vertices: list[LinearVertex] = [ HeadVertex( id=0, position=np.array([0, 0, 0]), flip=random_seed.choice( a=choices, p=[head_orientation, 1 - head_orientation], ), ), ] edges: list[Edge] = [] for i, p in enumerate(body_orientations, 1): flip = random_seed.choice(choices, p=[p, 1 - p]) vertices.append( LinearVertex(i, np.array([i, 0, 0]), flip), ) edges.append(Edge(len(edges), vertices[i - 1], vertices[i])) vertices.append( TailVertex( id=len(vertices), position=np.array([len(vertices), 0, 0]), flip=random_seed.choice( a=choices, p=[tail_orientation, 1 - tail_orientation], ), ), ) edges.append(Edge(len(edges), vertices[-2], vertices[-1])) return _VerticesAndEdges( vertices=tuple(vertices), edges=tuple(edges), )
[docs] def clone(self) -> typing.Self: clone = self._clone() clone._repr = self._repr clone._repeating_unit = self._repeating_unit clone._num_repeating_units = self._num_repeating_units clone._orientations = self._orientations return clone
@staticmethod def _normalize_repeating_unit( repeating_unit: str | tuple[int, ...], ) -> tuple[int, ...]: if isinstance(repeating_unit, tuple): return repeating_unit base = ord("A") return tuple(ord(letter) - base for letter in repeating_unit) def _get_building_block_vertices( self, building_blocks: tuple[BuildingBlock, ...], vertices: tuple[LinearVertex, ...], ) -> dict[BuildingBlock, abc.Sequence[Vertex]]: polymer = self._repeating_unit * self._num_repeating_units building_block_vertices: dict[BuildingBlock, list[LinearVertex]] = {} for bb_index, vertex in zip(polymer, vertices): bb = building_blocks[bb_index] building_block_vertices[bb] = building_block_vertices.get(bb, []) building_block_vertices[bb].append(vertex) return self._with_unaligning_vertices( building_block_vertices=building_block_vertices, ) @staticmethod def _with_unaligning_vertices( building_block_vertices: dict[BuildingBlock, list[LinearVertex]], ) -> dict[BuildingBlock, abc.Sequence[Vertex]]: clone: dict[BuildingBlock, abc.Sequence[Vertex]] clone = {} terminal_ids = { 0, max( vertex.get_id() for vertex_list in building_block_vertices.values() for vertex in vertex_list ), } for ( building_block, vertices, ) in building_block_vertices.items(): # Building blocks with 1 placer, cannot be aligned on # linear vertices and must therefore use an # UnaligningVertex. Building blocks with 1 placer can be # placed on terminal vertices (HeadVertex or TailVertex). # This can be discerned based on the knowledge that the # first and last vertex are the Head and Tail, # respectively. if building_block.get_num_placers() == 1: clone[building_block] = tuple( ( UnaligningVertex( id=vertex.get_id(), position=vertex.get_position(), flip=vertex.get_flip(), ) if vertex.get_id() not in terminal_ids else vertex ) for vertex in vertices ) else: clone[building_block] = vertices return clone @staticmethod def _get_scale( building_block_vertices: dict[BuildingBlock, abc.Sequence[Vertex]], scale_multiplier: float, ) -> float: return scale_multiplier * max( bb.get_maximum_diameter() for bb in building_block_vertices )
[docs] def with_building_blocks( self, building_block_map: dict[BuildingBlock, BuildingBlock], ) -> typing.Self: return self.clone()._with_building_blocks(building_block_map)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return self._repr
@dataclass(frozen=True) class _VerticesAndEdges: vertices: tuple[LinearVertex, ...] edges: tuple[Edge, ...]