Source code for stk._internal.utilities.utilities


This module defines general-purpose objects, functions and classes.

Functions, classes, etc. defined here should not depend on any other
part of ``stk``. They must be completely self-sufficient.


import os
import re
import tarfile
import time
import typing
from collections import abc, deque
from contextlib import contextmanager

import numpy as np
import rdkit.Chem.AllChem as rdkit
from rdkit.Geometry import Point3D
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

# Holds the elements Van der Waals radii in Angstroms.
atom_vdw_radii = {
    "Al": 2,
    "Sb": 2,
    "Ar": 1.88,
    "As": 1.85,
    "Ba": 2,
    "Be": 2,
    "Bi": 2,
    "B": 2,
    "Br": 1.85,
    "Cd": 1.58,
    "Cs": 2,
    "Ca": 2,
    "C": 1.7,
    "Ce": 2,
    "Cl": 1.75,
    "Cr": 2,
    "Co": 2,
    "Cu": 1.4,
    "Dy": 2,
    "Er": 2,
    "Eu": 2,
    "F": 1.47,
    "Gd": 2,
    "Ga": 1.87,
    "Ge": 2,
    "Au": 1.66,
    "Hf": 2,
    "He": 1.4,
    "Ho": 2,
    "H": 1.09,
    "In": 1.93,
    "I": 1.98,
    "Ir": 2,
    "Fe": 2,
    "Kr": 2.02,
    "La": 2,
    "Pb": 2.02,
    "Li": 1.82,
    "Lu": 2,
    "Mg": 1.73,
    "Mn": 2,
    "Hg": 1.55,
    "Mo": 2,
    "Nd": 2,
    "Ne": 1.54,
    "Ni": 1.63,
    "Nb": 2,
    "N": 1.55,
    "Os": 2,
    "O": 1.52,
    "Pd": 1.63,
    "P": 1.8,
    "Pt": 1.72,
    "K": 2.75,
    "Pr": 2,
    "Pa": 2,
    "Re": 2,
    "Rh": 2,
    "Rb": 2,
    "Ru": 2,
    "Sm": 2,
    "Sc": 2,
    "Se": 1.9,
    "Si": 2.1,
    "Ag": 1.72,
    "Na": 2.27,
    "Sr": 2,
    "S": 1.8,
    "Ta": 2,
    "Te": 2.06,
    "Tb": 2,
    "Tl": 1.96,
    "Th": 2,
    "Tm": 2,
    "Sn": 2.17,
    "Ti": 2,
    "W": 2,
    "U": 1.86,
    "V": 2,
    "Xe": 2.16,
    "Yb": 2,
    "Y": 2,
    "Zn": 1.29,
    "Zr": 2,
    "X": 1.0,
    "D": 1.0,

# This dictionary gives easy access to the rdkit bond types.
bond_dict = {
    "1": rdkit.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE,
    "am": rdkit.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE,
    "2": rdkit.rdchem.BondType.DOUBLE,
    "3": rdkit.rdchem.BondType.TRIPLE,
    "ar": rdkit.rdchem.BondType.AROMATIC,

# A dictionary which matches atomic number to elemental symbols.
periodic_table = {
    1: "H",
    2: "He",
    3: "Li",
    4: "Be",
    5: "B",
    6: "C",
    7: "N",
    8: "O",
    9: "F",
    10: "Ne",
    11: "Na",
    12: "Mg",
    13: "Al",
    14: "Si",
    15: "P",
    16: "S",
    17: "Cl",
    18: "Ar",
    19: "K",
    20: "Ca",
    21: "Sc",
    22: "Ti",
    23: "V",
    24: "Cr",
    25: "Mn",
    26: "Fe",
    27: "Co",
    28: "Ni",
    29: "Cu",
    30: "Zn",
    31: "Ga",
    32: "Ge",
    33: "As",
    34: "Se",
    35: "Br",
    36: "Kr",
    37: "Rb",
    38: "Sr",
    39: "Y",
    40: "Zr",
    41: "Nb",
    42: "Mo",
    43: "Tc",
    44: "Ru",
    45: "Rh",
    46: "Pd",
    47: "Ag",
    48: "Cd",
    49: "In",
    50: "Sn",
    51: "Sb",
    52: "Te",
    53: "I",
    54: "Xe",
    55: "Cs",
    56: "Ba",
    57: "La",
    58: "Ce",
    59: "Pr",
    60: "Nd",
    61: "Pm",
    62: "Sm",
    63: "Eu",
    64: "Gd",
    65: "Tb",
    66: "Dy",
    67: "Ho",
    68: "Er",
    69: "Tm",
    70: "Yb",
    71: "Lu",
    72: "Hf",
    73: "Ta",
    74: "W",
    75: "Re",
    76: "Os",
    77: "Ir",
    78: "Pt",
    79: "Au",
    80: "Hg",
    81: "Tl",
    82: "Pb",
    83: "Bi",
    84: "Po",
    85: "At",
    86: "Rn",
    87: "Fr",
    88: "Ra",
    89: "Ac",
    90: "Th",
    91: "Pa",
    92: "U",
    93: "Np",
    94: "Pu",
    95: "Am",
    96: "Cm",
    97: "Bk",
    98: "Cf",
    99: "Es",
    100: "Fm",
    101: "Md",
    102: "No",
    103: "Lr",
    104: "Rf",
    105: "Db",
    106: "Sg",
    107: "Bh",
    108: "Hs",
    109: "Mt",
    110: "Ds",
    111: "Rg",
    112: "Cn",
    113: "Uut",
    114: "Fl",
    115: "Uup",
    116: "Lv",
    117: "Uus",
    118: "Uuo",

T = typing.TypeVar("T")
OneOrMany = typing.Union[T, abc.Iterable[T]]

class Cell:
    Represents an individual cell in a supercell.

    id : :class:`list` of :class:`int`
        A 3 member :class:`list` holding the x, y and z index
        of the cell within the supercell.

    fgs : :class:`dict`
        Maps the fgs in the original unit cell to the
        equivalent fgs in the cell.

    id : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`int`
        A 3 member array holding the x, y and z index
        of the cell within the supercell.

    fgs : :class:`dict`
        Maps the fgs in the original unit cell to the
        equivalent fgs in the cell.


    def __init__(self, id_, fgs): = np.array(id_)
        self.fgs = fgs

class ChargedMolError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, mol_file, msg):
        self.mol_file = mol_file
        self.msg = msg

class MolFileError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, mol_file, msg):
        self.mol_file = mol_file
        self.msg = msg

class PopulationSizeError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, msg):
        self.msg = msg

class LazyAttr:
    A descriptor for creating lazy attributes.


    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func

    def __get__(self, obj, cls):
        if obj is None:
            return self
        val = self.func(obj)
        setattr(obj, self.func.__name__, val)
        return val

def archive_output():
    Places the ``output`` folder into ``stk_ea_runs``.

    This function assumes that the ``output`` folder is in the current
    working directory.

    None : :class:`NoneType`


    if "output" not in os.listdir():

    # Make the ``stk_ea_runs`` folder if it does not exist already.
    if "stk_ea_runs" not in os.listdir():

    # Find out with what number the ``output`` folder should be
    # labelled within ``stk_ea_runs``.
    num = len(os.listdir("stk_ea_runs"))
    new_dir = os.path.join("stk_ea_runs", str(num))
    os.rename("output", new_dir)

def dedupe(iterable, key=None, seen=None):
    Yields items from `iterable` barring duplicates.

    If `seen` is provided it contains elements which are not to be
    yielded at all.

    iterable : :class:`iterable`
        An iterable of elements which are to be yielded, only once.

    key : :class:`callable`
        A function which gets applied to every member of `iterable`.
        The return of this function is checked for duplication rather
        than the member itself.

    seen : :class:`set`, optional
        Holds items which are not to be yielded.

        Element in `iterable` which is not in `seen` and has not been
        yielded before.


    if seen is None:
        seen = set()
    for x in iterable:
        val = key(x) if key is not None else x
        if val not in seen:
            yield x

def flatten(iterable, excluded_types=None):
    Transforms an nested iterable into a flat one.

    *Flattening a Deeply Nested Structure*

    .. testcode:: flattening-a-deeply-nested-structure

        import stk

        nested = [[1, 2, 3], [[4], [5], [[6]], 7]]


    .. testoutput:: flattening-a-deeply-nested-structure

        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

    *Avoiding Flattening of Some Types*

    If a type is found in `excluded_types` it will not be yielded from.
    For example, ``str`` is in `excluded_types` by default, so

    .. testcode:: avoiding-flattening-of-some-types

        import stk

        nested = ['abcd', ['efgh']]


    .. testoutput:: avoiding-flattening-of-some-types

        ['abcd', 'efgh']

    instead of

    .. code-block::

        ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']

    iterable : :class:`iterable`
        The iterable which is to be flattened

    excluded_types : :class:`set`, optional
        Holds container types which are not be flattened.

        A nested element of `iterable`.


    if excluded_types is None:
        excluded_types = {str}

    for x in iterable:
        if hasattr(x, "__iter__") and type(x) not in excluded_types:
            yield from flatten(x, excluded_types)
            yield x

def kabsch(coords1, coords2):
    Return a rotation matrix to minimize dstance between 2 coord sets.

    This is essentially an implementation of the Kabsch algorithm.
    Given two sets of coordinates, `coords1` and `coords2`, this
    function returns a rotation matrix. When the rotation matrix is
    applied to `coords1` the resulting coordinates have their rms
    distance to `coords2` minimized.

    coords1 : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        This array represents a matrix hodling coordinates which need
        to be rotated to minimize their rms distance to coordinates in
        `coords2`. The matrix is n x 3. Each row of the matrix holds
        the x, y and z coordinates of one point, respectively. Here
        ``n`` is the number of points.

    coords2 : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        This array represents a matrix which holds the coordinates of
        points the distance to which should be minimized. The matrix is
        ``n x 3``. Each row of the matrix holds the x, y and z
        coordinates of one point, respectively. Here ``n`` is the
        number of points.

        A rotation matrix. This will be a ``3 x 3`` matrix.



    h =, coords2.T)
    u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(h)

    if int(np.linalg.det(v)) < 0:
        v[:, 2] = -v[:, 2]

    return, u)

def matrix_centroid(matrix):
    Returns the centroid of the coordinates held in `matrix`.

    matrix : :class:`np.ndarray`
        A ``n x 3`` matrix. Each row holds the x, y and z
        coordinate of some point, respectively.

        A numpy array which holds the x, y and z
        coordinates of the centroid of the coordinates in `matrix`.


    return np.sum(matrix, axis=0) / len(matrix)

def mol_from_mae_file(mae_path):
    Creates a ``rdkit`` molecule from a ``.mae`` file.

    mol2_file : :class:`str`
        The full path of the ``.mae`` file from which an rdkit molecule
        should be instantiated.

        An ``rdkit`` instance of the molecule held in `mae_file`.


    mol = rdkit.EditableMol(rdkit.Mol())
    conf = rdkit.Conformer()

    with open(mae_path, "r") as mae:
        content = re.split(r"[{}]",

    prev_block = deque([""], maxlen=1)
    for block in content:
        if "m_atom[" in prev_block[0]:
            atom_block = block
        if "m_bond[" in prev_block[0]:
            bond_block = block

    labels, data_block, *_ = atom_block.split(":::")
    labels = [
        for label in labels.split("\n")
        if not label.isspace() and label != ""

    data_block = [
        for a in data_block.split("\n")
        if not a.isspace() and a != ""

    for line in data_block:
        line = [word for word in line if word != '"']
        if len(labels) != len(line):
            raise RuntimeError(
                    "Number of labels does"
                    " not match number of columns"
                    " in .mae file."

        for label, data in zip(labels, line):
            if "x_coord" in label:
                x = float(data)
            if "y_coord" in label:
                y = float(data)
            if "z_coord" in label:
                z = float(data)
            if "atomic_number" in label:
                atom_num = int(data)

        atom_sym = periodic_table[atom_num]
        atom_coord = Point3D(x, y, z)
        atom_id = mol.AddAtom(rdkit.Atom(atom_sym))
        conf.SetAtomPosition(atom_id, atom_coord)

    labels, data_block, *_ = bond_block.split(":::")
    labels = [
        for label in labels.split("\n")
        if not label.isspace() and label != ""
    data_block = [
        for a in data_block.split("\n")
        if not a.isspace() and a != ""

    for line in data_block:
        if len(labels) != len(line):
            raise RuntimeError(
                    "Number of labels does"
                    " not match number of "
                    "columns in .mae file."

        for label, data in zip(labels, line):
            if "from" in label:
                atom1 = int(data) - 1
            if "to" in label:
                atom2 = int(data) - 1
            if "order" in label:
                bond_order = str(int(data))
        mol.AddBond(atom1, atom2, bond_dict[bond_order])

    mol = mol.GetMol()
    return mol

[docs] def normalize_vector(vector): """ Normalizes the given vector. A new vector is returned, the original vector is not modified. Parameters ---------- vector : :class:`np.ndarray` The vector to be normalized. Returns ------- :class:`np.ndarray` The normalized vector. """ return np.divide(vector, np.linalg.norm(vector))
def remake(mol): """ Remakes a molecule from scratch. Parameters ---------- mol : :class:`rdkit.Mol` The molecule to be remade. Returns ------- :class:`rdkit.Mol` The remade molecule. """ emol = rdkit.EditableMol(rdkit.Mol()) for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): new = rdkit.Atom(atom.GetAtomicNum()) new.SetFormalCharge(atom.GetFormalCharge()) emol.AddAtom(new) for bond in mol.GetBonds(): emol.AddBond( beginAtomIdx=bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), endAtomIdx=bond.GetEndAtomIdx(), order=bond.GetBondType(), ) m = emol.GetMol() m.AddConformer(mol.GetConformer()) return m def get_projection(start, target): """ Get the projection of `start` onto `target`. """ return ( target * start, target, ) /, target) ) def orthogonal_vector(vector): ortho = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) for m, val in enumerate(vector): if not np.allclose(val, 0, atol=1e-8): n = (m + 1) % 3 break ortho[n] = vector[m] ortho[m] = -vector[n] return ortho def rotation_matrix(vector1, vector2): """ Returns a rotation matrix which transforms `vector1` to `vector2`. Multiplying `vector1` by the rotation matrix returned by this function yields `vector2`. Parameters ---------- vector1 : :class:`numpy.ndarray` The vector which needs to be transformed to `vector2`. vector2 : :class:`numpy.ndarray` The vector onto which `vector1` needs to be transformed. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` A rotation matrix which transforms `vector1` to `vector2`. References ---------- """ # Make sure both inputs are unit vectors. vector1 = normalize_vector(vector1) vector2 = normalize_vector(vector2) # Hande the case where the input and output vectors are equal. if np.allclose(vector1, vector2, atol=1e-8): return np.identity(3) # Handle the case where the rotation is 180 degrees. if np.allclose(vector1, np.multiply(vector2, -1), atol=1e-8): return rotation_matrix_arbitrary_axis( angle=np.pi, axis=orthogonal_vector(vector1) ) v = np.cross(vector1, vector2) vx = np.array([[0, -v[2], v[1]], [v[2], 0, -v[0]], [-v[1], v[0], 0]]) s = np.linalg.norm(v) c =, vector2) i = np.identity(3) mult_factor = (1 - c) / np.square(s) # Initialize as a scipy Rotation object, which normalizes the # matrix and allows for returns as quaternion or alternative # type in the future. return Rotation.from_matrix( i + vx + np.multiply(, vx), mult_factor) ).as_matrix()
[docs] def rotation_matrix_arbitrary_axis(angle, axis): """ Returns a rotation matrix of `angle` radians about `axis`. Parameters ---------- angle : :class:`float` The size of the rotation in radians. axis : :class:`numpy.ndarray` A 3 element aray which represents a vector. The vector is the axis about which the rotation is carried out. Must be of unit magnitude. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` A ``3x3`` array representing a rotation matrix. """ a = np.cos(angle / 2) b, c, d = axis * np.sin(angle / 2) e11 = np.square(a) + np.square(b) - np.square(c) - np.square(d) e12 = 2 * (b * c - a * d) e13 = 2 * (b * d + a * c) e21 = 2 * (b * c + a * d) e22 = np.square(a) + np.square(c) - np.square(b) - np.square(d) e23 = 2 * (c * d - a * b) e31 = 2 * (b * d - a * c) e32 = 2 * (c * d + a * b) e33 = np.square(a) + np.square(d) - np.square(b) - np.square(c) # Initialize as a scipy Rotation object, which normalizes the # matrix and allows for returns as quaternion or alternative # type in the future. return Rotation.from_matrix( np.array([[e11, e12, e13], [e21, e22, e23], [e31, e32, e33]]) ).as_matrix()
def dice_similarity(mol1, mol2, fp_radius=3): """ Return the chemical similarity between two molecules. Parameters ---------- mol1 : :class:`.Molecule` The first molecule. mol2 : :class:`.Molecule` The second molecule. fp_radius : :class:`int`, optional The radius of the Morgan fingerprint used to calculate similarity. Returns ------- :class:`float` The similarity. """ rdkit_mol1 = mol1.to_rdkit_mol() rdkit.SanitizeMol(rdkit_mol1) fp1 = rdkit.GetMorganFingerprint( mol=rdkit_mol1, radius=fp_radius, ) rdkit_mol2 = mol2.to_rdkit_mol() rdkit.SanitizeMol(rdkit_mol2) fp2 = rdkit.GetMorganFingerprint( mol=rdkit_mol2, radius=fp_radius, ) return rdkit.DataStructs.DiceSimilarity(fp1, fp2) def quaternion(u): """ Returns a translation + rotation quaternion. Parameters ---------- u : :class:`list` of :class:`float` A :class:`list` of length 3 holding the parameter for the quarternion. References ---------- K. Shoemake, Uniform random rotations, Graphics Gems III, pages 124-132. Academic, New York, 1992. """ a, b, c = u q = np.zeros(4, np.float64) q[0] = np.sqrt(1.0 - a) * np.sin(2.0 * np.pi * b) q[1] = np.sqrt(1.0 - a) * np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * b) q[2] = np.sqrt(a) * np.sin(2.0 * np.pi * c) q[3] = np.sqrt(a) * np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * c) return q def translation_component(q): """ Extracts translation vector from quaternion. Parameters ---------- q : :class:`numpy.ndarray` A length 4 quaternion. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` The translation vector encoded within `q`. """ rot_epsilon = 1e-6 q = np.copy(q) if q[0] < 0.0: q = -q if q[0] > 1.0: q /= np.sqrt(, q)) theta = 2.0 * np.arccos(q[0]) s = np.sqrt(1.0 - q[0] * q[0]) if s < rot_epsilon: p = 2.0 * q[1:4] else: p = q[1:4] / s * theta return p def tar_output(): """ Places all the content in the ``output`` folder into a .tgz file. Returns ------- None : :class:`NoneType` """ tname = os.path.join("output", "output.tgz") with, "w:gz") as tar: tar.add("output") def _printer(time_taken): m, s = divmod(time_taken, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) print(f"\nTime taken was {int(h)} : {int(m)} : {int(s)}.\n\n") @contextmanager def time_it(output=_printer): """ Times the code executed within the indent. Parameters ---------- output : :class:`callable`, optional A function which takes the time taken for the code block to execute as its only input. Can be used to redirect or format the output. Examples -------- *Timing the Execution of a Function* This is a context manager so it should be used as: .. testsetup:: timing-the-execution-of-a-function import stk # Do not print the output in the test because the time taken # is expected to vary wildy. _time_it = stk.time_it stk.time_it = lambda: _time_it( output=lambda time_taken: print('test'), ) .. testcode:: timing-the-execution-of-a-function import stk with stk.time_it(): print('a') print('b') print('c') .. testoutput:: timing-the-execution-of-a-function :hide: a b c test .. testcleanup:: timing-the-execution-of-a-function stk.time_it = _time_it After all 3 functions are finished and the nested block is exited the time taken to process the entire block is printed. """ start = time.time() yield output(time.time() - start)
[docs] def vector_angle(vector1, vector2): """ Returns the angle between two vectors in radians. Parameters ---------- vector1 : :class:`numpy.ndarray` The first vector. vector2 : :class:`numpy.ndarray` The second vector. Returns ------- :class:`float` The angle between `vector1` and `vector2` in radians. """ if np.all(np.equal(vector1, vector2)): return 0.0 numerator =, vector2) denominator = np.linalg.norm(vector1) * np.linalg.norm(vector2) # This if statement prevents returns of NaN due to floating point # inaccuracy. term = numerator / denominator if term >= 1.0: return 0.0 if term <= -1.0: return np.pi return np.arccos(term)
[docs] def get_acute_vector(reference, vector): if ( # vector_angle is NaN if reference is [0, 0, 0]. not np.allclose(reference, [0, 0, 0], atol=1e-5) and vector_angle(vector, reference) > np.pi / 2 ): return vector * -1 return vector
def get_plane_normal(points): centroid = points.sum(axis=0) / len(points) return np.around(np.linalg.svd(points - centroid)[-1][2, :], 14) def cap_absolute_value(value, max_absolute_value=1): """ Returns `value` with absolute value capped at `max_absolute_value`. Particularly useful in passing values to trignometric functions where numerical errors may result in an argument > 1 being passed in. This code is modified from the pymatgen source code [1]_. Parameters ---------- value : :class:`float` Value to cap. max_absolute_value : :class:`float`, optional Absolute value to cap `value` at. Defaults to 1. Returns ------- :class:`float` `value` capped at `max_absolute_value` with sign preserved. References ---------- .. [1] """ return max(min(value, max_absolute_value), -max_absolute_value)