Source code for

XYZ Writer


from __future__ import annotations

import pathlib
import typing

from stk._internal.molecule import Molecule
from stk._internal.utilities.utilities import OneOrMany

[docs] class XyzWriter: """ A writer class for ``.xyz`` files. Examples: *Writing to a File* .. testcode:: writing-to-a-file import stk bb1 = stk.BuildingBlock('BrCCBr', [stk.BromoFactory()]) writer = stk.XyzWriter() writer.write(molecule=bb1, path='') .. testcode:: writing-to-a-file :hide: import os assert os.path.exists('') .. testcleanup:: writing-to-a-file os.remove('') """ def _write_content( self, molecule: Molecule, atom_ids: typing.Optional[OneOrMany[int]], ) -> list[str]: if atom_ids is None: atom_ids = range(molecule.get_num_atoms()) elif isinstance(atom_ids, int): atom_ids = (atom_ids,) coords = molecule.get_position_matrix() content = [""] for i, atom_id in enumerate(atom_ids, 1): x, y, z = (i for i in coords[atom_id]) (atom,) = molecule.get_atoms(atom_ids=atom_id) symbol = atom.__class__.__name__ content.append(f"{symbol} {x:f} {y:f} {z:f}\n") # Set first line to the atom_count. content[0] = f"{i}\n\n" return content
[docs] def to_string( self, molecule: Molecule, atom_ids: typing.Optional[OneOrMany[int]] = None, ) -> str: """ Get the ``.xyz`` string of `molecule`. Parameters: molecule: Molecule to write to `.xyz` format. atom_ids: The atom ids of atoms to write. Can be a single :class:`int`, if a single atom is to be used, or ``None``, if all atoms are to be used. Returns: String in ``.xyz`` file format. """ content = self._write_content(molecule, atom_ids) return "".join(content)
[docs] def write( self, molecule: Molecule, path: pathlib.Path | str, atom_ids: typing.Optional[OneOrMany[int]] = None, ) -> None: """ Write `molecule` to ``.xyz`` file format. Parameters: molecule: Molecule to write to ``.xyz`` format. path: The full path to the file being written. atom_ids: The atom ids of atoms to write. Can be a single :class:`int`, if a single atom is to be used, or ``None``, if all atoms are to be used. """ content = self._write_content(molecule, atom_ids) with open(path, "w") as f: f.write("".join(content))